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Hi guys,
Is there the possibility to change the file name of a photo? If I edit many times in PS the file name became XXXXXXX-edit-edit-edit-edit............. and it's quite bad!
Thanks in advance
Download from the cloud, rename, and the upload back to the cloud.
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File > Save as
Or if it is closed, rename it in Windows Explorer.
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Ok sorry I didn't explain it well!
I mean rename the file present on the cloud.
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I have found the answer to be no.
In my experience, you have to export the file, use Adobe Bridge to rename then reimport.
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g.boselli wrote
Ok sorry I didn't explain it well!
I mean rename the file present on the cloud.
You can't. There is no way to rename files on the cloud without jumping through hoops.
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This makes no sense. All my photos are named DSC ####. I can't find anything.
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Download from the cloud, rename, and the upload back to the cloud.
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There IS a way to rename your photos in LR Mobile... kind of. It will solve your issue of not being able to find the images you want, will work for batch renaming and it's easy and straight forward.
The trick is to us the Caption Title field in LR Mobile. Select the photos you want to rename and modify the Title fields with the filename you want. For instance, I rename my photos using a Brief Description - Sequence Number", something like "20220528 - Ottawa Tulip Festival - 001" (dont't worry about the date here, I'll get to that in a minute). Unfortunately you can't use a sequence number in Title, but that's a minor issue. Now, when you search all of your images for pictures of the Ottawa Tulip Festival LR Mobile will find these images. You can also search by date since that's already recorded in the metadata.
The best part is, when you get back to your desktop and LR Classic, you can create a Filename Template (press F2 and selct Edit) and use the metadata field "Title" to rename the selected files. My template looks like "{Date (YYYYMMDD)>> - {Title} - {Sequence # (001)>>}, resulting in the filename 20220528 - Ottawa Tulip Festival - 001. The sequence number will automatically increase by 1 for each subsequent image in the group you're renaming.
This solves searching LR Mobile for the pictures you want and makes renaming all your files in Lightroom Classic completely automatic.
Pleas let me know if this helps.