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Individual Person View in People View Not Zooming Into Their Faces

Participant ,
Aug 21, 2023 Aug 21, 2023

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In all other photo apps such as Lightroom Classic, Apple Photos, Google Photos, etc, you select People people view and it shows each photo cropped around a respective person. This is how it works in Lightroom CC too. But when you select a person such as Jane Smith, when you see all the photos that are tagged as Jane Smith, in Lightroom CC it's not then zooming into individual faces (it does in all other apps like Lightroom Classic, Apple Photos, Google Photos etc). 

So when I click on Jane Smith to see all photos tagged as her, I want to scroll through the hundreds or maybe thousands, to make sure they all are of her. Since if the system mistakenly tagged someone else, then of course that causes the algorithm to not work well.

In all other apps, this is easy since again, it zooms in on her face. In Lightroom CC, it's showing the full image (non zoomed in), so at quick glance where most photos have multiple people in it, I have no idea which person in the photo is tagged. So I'd have to manually open each photo to confirm which wouldn't be practical for 100s or 1000s of images.

As a long time Classic user, not sure if this is a bug in the latest Lightroom CC or if this issue has always existed, and then curious how people review individual people to confirm photos are tagged correctly?

In Apple Photos their a button to zoom in or not, where is in Classic and others it auto zooms in.







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