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I've been encountering a bug that made Lightroom for Android hardly usable for me in the few months I used the service. I've reported the bug through the Android crash reporter, until I realized that this might be a more visible place for bug reports.
In short: Lightroom Mobile crashes consistently when I open certain photos. It seems to happen only on certain cropped photos, but it happens consistently. I initially thought it affected only the photos that I cropped on mobile, when I changed app view (e.g. swipe to another photo, or go back to the gallery view) before it could be backed up to the cloud. However I recently noticed that it's happening also on some photos that I cropped via web and macOS clients.
Rebooting, cleaning the cache, app data, and even reinstalling doesn't help. Updating the app doesn't help either.
I looked at the ADB logs when the app crashes, and the relevant lines before and after it crashes are:
08-16 21:35:12.246 1781 1843 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity: +494ms
08-16 21:35:12.292 20155 20155 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1956 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.adobe.lrmobile fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=null}, false)
08-16 21:35:12.649 15692 16187 I TIDevAssetImpl: InternalCreateNegative /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.adobe.lrmobile/files/carouselDocuments/9a4d00c5405b4d2097fd99f6b45cee19/Originals/2022/2022-08/2022-08-14/DSC06499.ARW 1
08-16 21:35:13.377 15692 15703 I .adobe.lrmobil: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 634465(50MB) AllocSpace objects, 491(19MB) LOS objects, 75% free, 28MB/114MB, paused 98us,78us total 230.048ms
The app crashes at this point, on com.adobe.lrmobile.material.loupe.render.c.onDraw(LrMobile:20). Android terminates it, like if there was a memory access violation in the unmanaged code of the image renderer (called "loupe", if I understand correctly). See below:
08-16 21:35:17.042 15692 15692 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.adobe.lrmobile, PID: 15692
08-16 21:35:17.042 15692 15692 E AndroidRuntime: at com.adobe.lrmobile.material.loupe.render.c.onDraw(LrMobile:20)
08-16 21:35:17.191 15692 15703 I .adobe.lrmobil: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 148428(6727KB) AllocSpace objects, 25(548KB) LOS objects, 74% free, 29MB/117MB, paused 68us,203us total 234.868ms
08-16 21:35:17.904 1781 4630 W ActivityTaskManager: Force finishing activity com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity
08-16 21:35:18.413 1781 1846 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{becf9c8 u0 com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity t34645 f}}
08-16 21:35:18.413 1781 1846 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{becf9c8 u0 com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity t34645 f}}
08-16 21:35:20.343 1781 4630 W WindowManager: Force finishing activity com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity
08-16 21:35:20.343 1781 4630 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'Letterbox_left_ActivityRecord{becf9c8 u0 com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity t34645} (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
08-16 21:35:20.344 1781 4630 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{becf9c8 u0 com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity t34645} (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
08-16 21:35:20.344 1781 4630 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'Letterbox_right_ActivityRecord{becf9c8 u0 com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity t34645} (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
08-16 21:35:20.344 1781 4630 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'Letterbox_bottom_ActivityRecord{becf9c8 u0 com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity t34645} (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
08-16 21:35:20.344 1781 4630 W WindowManager: Force finishing activity com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.grid.GridViewActivity
08-16 21:35:20.346 1781 4630 W WindowManager: Force finishing activity com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.collections.neworganize.NewCollectionsOrganizeActivity
08-16 21:35:20.346 1781 5481 W InputDispatcher: Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{becf9c8 u0 com.adobe.lrmobile/.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity t34645} has FLAG_SLIPPERY. Please report this in b/157929241
08-16 21:35:20.351 1781 2016 E ActivityManager: Skip compaction since UID is active for com.adobe.lrmobile
08-16 21:35:20.370 1781 4630 I ActivityManager: Killing 15692:com.adobe.lrmobile/u0a436 (adj 900): crash
08-16 21:35:20.391 1781 1844 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'a0a8d5c Application Error: com.adobe.lrmobile (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
08-16 21:35:20.493 1781 1847 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'c60933f com.adobe.lrmobile/com.adobe.lrmobile.material.loupe.LoupePhoneActivity (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
08-16 21:35:20.495 1781 1847 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'ed3949d com.adobe.lrmobile/com.adobe.lrmobile.material.grid.GridViewActivity (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
08-16 21:35:20.496 1781 1847 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'cb4c980 com.adobe.lrmobile/com.adobe.lrmobile.material.collections.neworganize.NewCollectionsOrganizeActivity (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
08-16 21:35:21.369 1781 8120 V ActivityManager: Got obituary of 15692:com.adobe.lrmobile
08-16 21:35:21.370 1781 8120 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(uid/pid:10436/15692, [NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=8792, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10436 RequestorUid: 10436 RequestorPkg: com.adobe.lrmobile UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]], android.os.BinderProxy@aab44)
Then the app automatically restart. In some cases, after the crash, Android lets me send a crash report, which you should be able to see on your end.
Some information about my setup:
Hardware: Pixel 6 Pro.
OS: Android 12, latest stable.
App: Lightroom Mobile for Android version 7.4.1
Happy to provide more information or to help debug this issue - this is making my job harder and it's defeating the purpose of using Lightroom CC for me.
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I can confirm, I have the same issue on the Xiaomi Pad 5, starting from version 7.4.1, at least. The problem is affecting heavily cropped photos for me (something like 3-5 Mpx from 30 Mpx photo).
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I have exactly the same problem!
Sent them hundreds of reports
Not sure if they are interested in fixing this!
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I'm using v8.1.2 for some time (on the same Xiaomi Pad 5), the situation with crashes is much better right now. They still occurs from time to time, just much less frequently.