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Olá, gostaria de entender uma situação que aconteceu comigo a respeito do Lightroom usado no Macbook Air.
No passado, eu havia adquirido a versão premium do lightroom no iPhone através da apple (plano de GB) store e utilizava o app normalmente com as funçoes premium no celular.
Tempos depois eu cancelei essa assinatura do lightroom no iPhone. Recentemente adquiri um Macbook Air M1 e baixei o lightroom via apple store. Ao abrir o lightroom no Macbook, aparece direto a mensagem para comprar o lightroom (plano de 1TB). Resvolvi entáo não assinar através do Macbook e sim reativar o serviço que eu tinha através do iPhone. E isso funcionou (após a reativação pelo iPhone, houve uma sincronizaçao direta com o Macbook e eu fui capaz de acessar as opçoes de ediçao através do Mac e utilizar o app normanlmente.
Contudo, um dia depois, revogaram meu acesso via Macbook e voltou a aparecer a mensagem para eu adquirir o pacote de 1TB, ou seja, a sincronizaçao com a conta do iPhone se perdeu (no celular continua funcionando normalmente).
Alguém saber explicar o que aconteceu ou alguém já passou por algo semelhante? Eu não estava usando a versão gratuita de 7 dias no Macbook, eu estava com utilizando minha versão premium disponível no iPhone.
Hi, I would like to understand a situation that happened to me regarding Lightroom used on Macbook Air.
In the past, I had purchased the premium version of lightroom on the iPhone through the apple (GB plan) store and used the app normally with the premium features on my mobile.
Later I canceled this lightroom subscription on the iPhone. I recently purchased a Macbook Air M1 and downloaded lightroom via the apple store. When opening lightroom on Macbook, the message to buy lightroom (1TB plan) appears directly. So I decided not to sign up through the Macbook, but to reactivate the service I had through the iPhone. And it worked (after iPhone reactivation, there was a direct sync to the Macbook and I was able to access editing options via the Mac and use the app normally.
However, a day later, they revoked my access via Macbook and the message appeared again asking me to purchase the 1TB package, that is, the synchronization with the iPhone account was lost (the cell phone still works normally).
Does anyone know how to explain what happened or has anyone experienced something similar? I wasn't using the 7-day free version on Macbook, I was using my premium version available on iPhone.
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Hello @philferreira
Subscribing on mobile only gives Lightroom on iOS and Android devices, not Mac, not Windows.
If you also want Lightroom for Mac or Windows, please cancel your mobile plan, and see these other plans that include both desktop (Mac/Win) and mobile (iOS / Android):