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Lightroom mobile fails to install on my 12 year old son's iPad. He has an Apple child account. The App Store app states that it won't install due to restrictions - however, Lightroom is marked as age 12+ and my son is 12 years old... So where is the problem?
Thank you,
Problem solved - the age restriction settings in screen time were set to 6 years for Apps. Whereever this setting came from - I didn't do it by intention. Set to 12 years and installation worked fine.
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Hi, Lightroom iOS app doesn't handle anything related to the App Store.
Since you are mentioning child account, has the parent/guardian allowed the install of the app?
The parent/guardian needs to enter the child's profile in the Family settings.
What does the error message say exactly? A screen shot would be very helpful.
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Hi Ignacio,
thanks for responding. I'm aware of the concept of Apple's children accounts. In this case the install button is greyed out, so I can't even trigger a request to allow the install. See screenshot. The message on top means "This app cannot be loaded due to restrictions on this device.".
I guess I need to ask Apple for support here...?
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I guess I need to ask Apple for support here...?
Yes, since that screenshot showing the issue is from the Apple App Store.
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Ok, will do. I don't know how much control software developers have about these restrictions in the App Store.
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Yeah, this sort of thing is really annoying, as you can't seem to bypass it for one app (that you have checked yourself and deemed suitable for your child).
I've not idea why Lightroom is a 12+ app though.
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Yes, I also wondered why it is 12+. Does Apple do this categorization, or is this done by the developer?
Photoshop is 4+, by the way...
Does 12+ mean "from 13 on" or does it include 12 year old kids? If the first, then it's clear why it doesn't work here - my son is 12 years old.
Best, Thomas.
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Problem solved - the age restriction settings in screen time were set to 6 years for Apps. Whereever this setting came from - I didn't do it by intention. Set to 12 years and installation worked fine.