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LR Mobile Reply to Developer Question (One Star Review)

Community Beginner ,
Sep 30, 2024 Sep 30, 2024

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Yesterday I reached "the end of my rope" with LR Mobile.  I posted a one star review and then deleted the app.  Today a developer very kindly responded and asked me to come here and provide more information, so here we go.

I have had this issue with LR Mobile for many years over several devices.  I occasionally try again hoping it has improved, but I always get the same results.  If I take one or more pictures with the LR Camera, the app goes into the synching mode and stays there for HOURS on end.  It might, after many hours, finally complete uploading the photos.  I said yesterday out of frustration that it never completes; that is inaccurate, it just takes hours to do so.  My goal in using the LR Camera is to be able to quickly get photos to my desktop computer where I can do serious editing on my large, calibrated monitor.  As I said yesterday, I'm not going to "edit" photos with my finger on a tiny screen.  The hours of delay preclude me from achieving this goal.

The other issue with which I have "had it" is the user interface.  Text is presented in DARK GRAY on a DARKER GRAY background.  I simply can't read it.  This seems to be a very poor design and I can not work with it.

I've always considered Lightroom (now LR Classic) to be the best thought out piece of software that I have ever encountered.  I've been using it since version 3.  I've tried to get along with LR Mobile many times and I've attended several courses on the subject.  I always come away from a class excited to try it again, but in the end I'm just frustrated and disappointed.

Thank you for contacting me for more information.  I hope this is of use to you.







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