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Managing mobile downloads file when using LrM

Sep 30, 2024 Sep 30, 2024

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Not sure if this is the right community to post this in but i thought id try.

So ive been trying to read through all the forums and search google for a simple answer to my question but I cant seem to find one or im not smart enough to understand what theyre suggesting to do. So I currently use Lr mobile (the paid version) to edit. I had tried to make the switch to Lr Classic to see if i could learn it better as well as more easily transfer photos to a third party gallery. Turns out I didnt love editing on it and it ended taking up way more space on my computer as well as my computer would get super overheated when using it. IK that prolly a problem with my computer but not the moral of this story. So anyways I deleted LrC and I noticed afterwards whem trying to clear space on my hard drive that I had 14gb in mobile downloads lrc file. Im not sure if this came about as a result of me trying out LrC and if somehow all the cloud synced photos got stored locally on my hard drive or what.


*My question is: Since I use Lr Mobile, can I delete the mobile downloads lrc file and still have all my photos stored in the cloud through Lr Mobile? 


(also to note: i do not have local storing turned on for my Lr Mobile which leads me to think this came about from trying to switch to Lrc)







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Community Expert ,
Oct 01, 2024 Oct 01, 2024

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When you enable sync in Lightroom Classic, all the contents of the Cloud will download to the folder specified in Classic's Preferences.


It is safe to delete these downloads as long as you haven't deleted any from the Cloud (as your HD is the only place they may reside).


It's best to visit http://lightroom.adobe.com/ to check what photos are in the Cloud.

You don't need Local Storing turned on in LrM.

This enables offline editing (it ensures the full res file, not a proxy, is on your device as well as in the Cloud) but will take up more space on your device.


Depends on what plan you have, your Cloud Storage may be limited. This is when Lightroom Classic downloads may become useful (if you have to clear Cloud files). You could even assign the downloads folder to an external HD.










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