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Hello, how can I save all the photos I have in Lightroom organized into folders and subfolders on an external hard drive?
Hola, ¿cómo puedo guardar todas las fotos que tengo en Lightroom organizadas en carpetas y subcarpetas en un disco duro externo?
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If you have a Mac or Windows computer, give this a try:
This will save all your original and edit images by date, not however using your Lightroom folder and album names.
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I have already instaled lightroom. I don´t need de program. Can you tell me how to do it? Thanks a lot!
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That link isn't to the Lightroom desktop app, instead it's a link to a separate stand-alone program called the Adobe Lightroom Downloader....which is designed to download all photos from the cloud to a local hard-drive. But as @Charlie.D stated, it saves the downloaded files into a set of capture-date based folders and sub-folders.
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Perfect!! thanks! but I forgot to say that i´m talking about Lightrom for Ipad pro. Sorry about that. Is there any solution for that?
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Not so easily. Tell us what you're trying to achieve and we might be able to provide a solution. Are the copies that you're trying to create meant to be a simple backup, or are they for some other purpose.
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I’m trying to export all the pictures to free up space on the iPad. But the problem is that I have all my pictures in folders and subfolders. I can do it one by one, subflder by subfolder, but is really a waste of time. I´m a photojounalist so I download photos in the ipad every day by folders and subfolders. At the end of the month, I need to export all the pictures in original format but I don´t know how to do it.
Another thing that could be improved is that, to delete a folder of photos, you have to go into each subfolder and delete the photos so that it lets you delete that subfolder and so on. It should let you delete the "January" folder and thus delete all the folders and photos that are inside.
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I must admit to being a bit unclear regarding your workflow, so perhaps you could clarify a few things for me:
For a start, are you using the free version of Lightroom, or do you have a subscription?
If you have a subscription, are you allowing your images to sync to the cloud (as the app is designed to do)? And if so, what then is the purpose of "exporting as original" at the end of the month? And where do you want to export them to?
"Exporting as original" is easy enough to do on a per album basis, but it is limited in that only the original file is exported, any related settings are not. To get the settings included you'd need to export raw files as DNG. So what file-type are you using?
You talk about "folders and sub-folders", but I assume you really mean "folders and albums"?
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I have de pay version but I don´t use the sync whith the computer... I only use Lightrom on ipad. And I don´t pay for room in the adobe´s cloud.
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Well, if you want to export as original, as I said you can do it on a per album basis by using the "Export as..." from the Share icon, selecting "Original" as the output file-type. Then choose the destination (if exporting to Files, it might help to create an empty folder with the same name as the album, then choose that empty folder after selecting "Files" as the export destination).