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P: Change Colors of Blown Highlights

New Here ,
Nov 03, 2022 Nov 03, 2022

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I have three requested upgrades that would greatly improve Lightroom. 1. Allow the user to change the colors of the blown highlights' and too dark shadows' Clipping colors. I do a lot of car shows, and finding red blown out reflections off of chrome among a sea of red cars is nearly impossible. 2. Rulers in general, and in the Cropping tool. I realize that the sizes are relative, but when doing freeform panoramas, it would be really nice to know what sizes your are cropping to. 3. Along with the Cropping rulers, having a line pop up/flash when the crop aspect hits certain presets (12" or ratios such as 2:1 & 3:1...) could be helpful when trying to decide what size to crop to.

macOS , Windows






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