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Presets disappeared

New Here ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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I'm a regular user of Lightroom, and I have been for quite some time. Today I went to use the app, and all of my edited photos/ presets have disappeared. I log out and log back in, and only about 130 of my edited photos (last ones being in 2019) and 32 of my presets are showing up. Can anyone help me? I have dumped a lot of money in to nice presets and now they are just nowhere to be found.

iOS: iPhone






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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 20, 2023 Oct 20, 2023

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Hello @Kali M. 


Did you recently re-install that app?  The reason I asked is because I see that you had probably been using the free version of Lightroom, which does not have cloud storage backup for presets or photos.  So uninstalling the free app would also delete all the images, presets and other data that were stored inside the app.  (I notice that after your post above you did subscribe, but this would not help recover any files or presets that were removed if the free version of the app was deleted.)


Is it possible you have an iTunes or iCloud backup of your device, made at a time when Lightroom still had your images and presets inside the app.  If so, restoring that backup onto you device would restore the previous instance of Lightroom along with your lost photos and presets.  And then, as long as that Lightroom uses the same emaild address which just subscribed, your older stuff should simply sync to LR cloud backup.  Other then this, I'm afraid there's no way to recover your lost items.





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New Here ,
Oct 24, 2023 Oct 24, 2023

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I did not reinstall. My app updated in early October and logged me out. When I logged back in, all of my images and presets were gone. Only a few of my images backed up to the cloud and none of my presets. I've had phone call after phone call with adobe and no one can figure out what happened. I'm checking it up to a loss. Thanks for the advice.





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