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Problem with images that have same name and metadata

New Here ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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I have multiple different images which have the same name e.g. 0004.jpg and are otherwise identical when it comes to their metadata. Why? Because they come from the same analog scanner. Their previews are generated correctly but if I browse my catalog the "wrong" image gets loaded: e.g. I click right-arrow and the next image is shown, for a split second the correct image is there but then another image, which seems to have the same name replaces the correct one; the bottom preview image strip still shows the correct one but on fullscreen there is another one displayed. If I try to export multiple images from an album in which these naming conflicts are present complete random bevahiour occurs: Either some images are exported with presets from different images (probably where there are naming conflicts) or some images are missing and the exporter displays an error stating that the original file could not be found (everything is in sync with iCloud). 


I would hope internally Lightroom is handling every imported image as an indivual file with an unique identifier. Is there a workaround for this? (Lightroom on iOS does not seem to have this problem, exporting and displaying works correctly there)







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