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Show highlight/shadow clipping with s pen

New Here ,
Nov 25, 2023 Nov 25, 2023

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This might be a bug, or it might be my own ineptitude. New to lightroom and tablets, and I've never used a stylus with anything until now. So this might seem braindead simple to some people, please help me understand if you do.


I know that I can use one finger to adjust the sliders, and use another finger to tap and hold while adjusting to show the clipping. What IS NOT working for me however, is using the s pen to adjust and tapping with a finger to see the clipping. This seems really silly to me that it 'can't mix pen with finger' (if that's what's happening here). I feel like I can get the sliders to the exact number I want, easier with the pen then with my WIDE BODY fingers and thumbs lol.


It feels really weird for me to use 2 fingers to adjust with clipping visible, and at least in my brain, it would make more sense with the pen, I keep my only finger im using still, while sliding the pen, easy peasy. But with 2 fingers on there, sometimes I forget which finger is my 'still finger' and which is my 'adjusting finger'. Hopefully that made a little bit of sense at least. 


If this is a bug, please fix it! If this is an oversight and just didn't get noticed, I'd Iike to make it a suggestion that this gets looked into/added that we can use the pen and fingers together. Or if I'm just doing something wrong somehow, or there are other ways to achieve what I'm looking for, please take me to school and educate me. 


Thanks for your time, I appreciate any help and guidance to further my understanding. 







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