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Stopping Lightroom Desktop storing originals on computer.

New Here ,
Sep 13, 2021 Sep 13, 2021

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I have a issue where I keep asking Lightroom (the new one) to stop storing files localy. And yet it still seems to do this. I have around 900GB of duplicate orginal files taking up space on my computer. Can I delete them and still edit them on lightroom? or will lightroom loose everything - even though they are supposedly all stored on the cloud?


The file path seems to be Lightroom CC > (long jumble of letters and numbers)> orginals > 2021 > Date > raw image


Any help grealy appericated!



macOS , Web






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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 13, 2021 Sep 13, 2021

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The answer to your questions depends upon your sync state:


If you are 100% synced to the cloud - you should be able to delete the folders to regain space - that said, to be safe, it would be prudent to rename the folder to "Lightroom CC > (long jumble of letters and numbers)> orginals > 2021 > Date > raw image old" and make sure everything works before you delete the folder.  Even then, I would recommend making a backup of the folder (sort of a belt and suspenders approach). 


If you are not 100% synced or are not sure if you are - don't touch the folder. 


Generally Lightroom has a systematic operation running in the background which frees up this space over time (up to 30 days). If you've exceed the 30 days and are synced - then a rename-verify-backup-delete may be in order. 

Rikk Flohr - Customer Advocacy: Adobe Photography Products





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New Here ,
Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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can i add on to this question? I am confused still. I am trying out lightroom desktop but am used to lightroom classic. I thought everything was stored in the cloud. I have over 800Gig and rising in the cloud. Taking days to finalize and not done. However, I also have a folder called Lightroom CC, which is also now over 800G. So my question is -- are the originals in both spots and then synchronized? I thought they were just in the cloud. 


I know have files in three places. Classic, Desktop and now the cloud. I know i am not supposed to use all three, but i am just not sure i want to move from classic yet. As of right now, LR desktop (cc) seems to be saying that certain photos are duplicates (even though they are not-- the file name apparently may be the same due to camera naming it the same, but the date, file size and other meta data are not). I am waiting for the upload to finish before I confirm. So i guess its two questions:

1. Why do i have 800gig in both local and cloud storage for CC

2. Will it get confused with same file name, but different date and other meta data- I have not had this problem using classic due to more control over folder structure.





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Enthusiast ,
Jan 23, 2023 Jan 23, 2023

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Same here, 3 locations, I don't even want to use LR CC but it has some filter options I don't get on mobile, web or classic.


Cache limit is 57GB, yet there is data worth above 300GB in that folder.


And there seems to be a translation error in the space usage statistic, I got:
App and user Data   9GB                         locally saved copies 0GB

Photo Cache          calculating                 Gratis 350,6 GB

What is Gratis supposed to be?





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Enthusiast ,
Sep 13, 2021 Sep 13, 2021

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Please verify your version first.

If using Windows, what options do you have specificed under the preferences for local storage? (Edit menu -> Preferences -> Local Storage).


Be aware, Lr has a pretty complex cache system. If everything has been synced, yes you can delete the cache localy when Lr is closed. Lr will download originals as needed on demand based on what you are doing. However, before doing so, please post the path and the information from the dialog I mentioned above to ensure you are deleting the correct location.







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