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Sync error in a circular aruguement

Explorer ,
Jul 24, 2023 Jul 24, 2023

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Lightroom v12.0.1 

I have five files that have incomplete download status in lightroom and I don't know how to clear the error.  

From within lightroom classic, settings window, the asset path leads to lightroom.adobe.com. When I click on the link, a black page appears with the message "Sync has not finished for file (my raw file name). Open Lightroom on 'Pegasus' (previous mac name) to continue syncing. I also get an added date of 4/6/23.    

I believe these files are saved locally on my attached drive or on a nas. 


Now, I recently had to make a clean install on my mac, os Monterey. I dragged the lightroom App and folder from a time machine backup into my application folder. Previously, my computer was named 'Pegasus', but I haven't changed the name back yet, which I think would be in the network settings. 

Any thoughts how I should reconcile the sync? The files don't show up in "All Synced Files" for me to remove and I kinda doubt that changing my computer name is going to work. 

I also don't want to remove this version of LRC as it has the AI masking and the subsequnt versions do not for my limited Vram system. I could, however, install the newer version side by side, just to clear the error. 




macOS , Web






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