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Will Lightroom Mobile allow non destructive overwriting?

New Here ,
Aug 11, 2024 Aug 11, 2024

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  1.  1. I’m a fan of Lightroom’s capabilities, but when editing a photo on my iPhone, I always have the same doubt: Is it better to edit it in Snapseed, keeping only one photo in my native library (considering it’s a non-destructive process and I can revert each step or go back to the original photo), or should I use the Lightroom app, which is more powerful but always adds a new file to my iPhone library?
  2. I understand that having all the physical versions of photos is important in a good editing workflow on a desktop, where space isn’t an issue and folder management is common. But that’s not the reality of mobile photography. Seeing two versions of the same photo is uncomfortable and doesn’t make sense, especially when you have the option (as with Snapseed and others) to see only the final photo while still keeping all the adjustments internally, allowing for a non-destructive workflow.
  3.  I think this is absolutely important for mobile editing. Although other mobile editing apps have this feature, I can’t understand why Lightroom doesn’t offer it, forcing many people (like me) to choose other mobile editing apps instead. 
  4.  Will Lightroom Mobile add the possibility of overwriting the original file so one can see the edited photo in the native photo library while keeping track of the adjustments in the background to maintain a non-destructive workflow??? 🙏🙏🙏

iOS: iPhone






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