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Is everyone experienced a problem with stretched photos with wrong aspect ratios, shown in Lightroom web gallery? They are OK in Lightroom, but shows in wrong way in web version..... This is so bad, I just show them to the client..... For Example:
I suppose it's a bug, I have no control on how they look here!..... Please, Adobe, this is rediculous...
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Hi there,
Sorry that Lightroom is showing you incorrect aspect ratio in Web Gallery of Lightroom Web. How exactly have you stretched the images? Have you used any preset to edit those images? Does all of the images with larger aspect ratio look different in Lightroom Web?
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The images are not streched by me! They are ok, some of them are cropped, some are just as shot. In Lightroom Classic CC they appear just fine. When I share the gallery to WEB, some ot them shows like this - streched with wrong aspect ratio. This is the problem.
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Anyone with this problem? With every Collection sync, this problem persists on the another device. Web, mobile or desktop - no difference. Some images are Ok in Library section, but in Develop, they stretch...?!
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Same problem here, only with Canon 6Dii photos