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Consider allowing LR users to adjust strength of built-in lens correction profiles

Participant ,
Apr 29, 2022 Apr 29, 2022

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I know variations on this request have come up numerous times, but I'm putting this out there anyway. It would be extremely helpful if Adobe would allow LR users to adjust the strength which which distortion and vignetting corrections provided by built-in lens correction profiles are applied after the files are imported into LR. Currently, as many have pointed out before, with cameras that incorporate built-in profiles into raw files, LR reads the distortion and vignette correction settings set in camera and applies those to raw files; users cannot then change those in-camera settings in LR. This is problematic for many reasons. For example, if a raw file was set to have no vignette correction in camera, it can become difficult to then correct vignetting in LR, as there is no custom lens profile available. Additionally, using Nikon Z lenses an an example, even the highest in-camera vignette control settings often do not fully eliminate vignetting (see the attached photo, shot on the Nikkor Z 24-70 f/4 at 70mm and f/4 with in-camera vignette correction set to high). While one can still obviously use general correction tools in LR and PS to try to fix such optical flaws, it would be much quicker and easier to precisely fix these issues if the strength of built-in profile's vignette correction could simply be adjusted with a slider in LR, much like can still be done with Adobe's own lens correction profiles. Other software, such as Capture One, already allows users to adjust built-in lens correction profiles in this way.


Please consider, Adobe!


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1 Comment
Community Expert ,
Apr 30, 2022 Apr 30, 2022

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There are already many threads on this but Adobe has been ignoring them. Indeed the built-in profiles often do not correctly correct for vignette and the fact that on most cameras you cannot even turn them off is really annoying. This causes artefacts in astrophotogaphy pictures that can only be resolved by hacking the raw files to delete the built-in profile. Adobe did add the ability to turn off built-in lens corrections on newer mirrorless cameras but everybody with Z6, Z7, etc. can still not turn them off without hacking the raw files. VERY annoying.

See here for how long this has been an issue:


We should be able to do the same thing with built-in profiles as for other profiles and set the strength of both the geometry correction and the vignette correction as well as completely turn the correction off.




