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P: Ability to bulk - batch rename files

Explorer ,
Oct 19, 2017 Oct 19, 2017

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Lightroom CC - Renaming in bulk. This is another important feature from Lightroom which appears not to have made it (yet) to Lightroom CC.
Everyone has there own renaming strategy (don't they?). Once I have  applied keywords and corrected location details, I bulk rename to include date, location and primary keyword in the file title. OK - that may be overkill, but does help people I am selling images to.
Bulk renaming - for whatever reason and using whatever system - is an important tool for DAM and support for it in Lightroom CC would be appreciated.

Idea Declined
macOS , Windows




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Explorer ,
Apr 26, 2022 Apr 26, 2022

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Lightroom Cloud has some good things about it. There are a few things this app needs to make it a whole lot better. ADOBE please listen.......

1 Batch Naming and Renaming of files with a key shortcut. 

2 Bin symbol shortcut to easily get rid of bad photos

3 Take a high res photo from a video

4 Able to name videos


Please grant me my wishes....






Explorer ,
Jun 18, 2022 Jun 18, 2022

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Please add batch rename to Lightroom mobile. 

I like using Lightroom on all devices but the one feature missing is batch rename for photos. 

This would make it my dream photoshop application!


Can you do it??






Explorer ,
Jun 19, 2022 Jun 19, 2022

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Ye please batch rename Lightroom mobile!!!




Explorer ,
Jul 20, 2022 Jul 20, 2022

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I have contacted support to specifically request Batch rename in Adobe Lightroom CC. It seems such an obvious request. It is a no brainer which would really enhance the app....





Explorer ,
Jul 20, 2022 Jul 20, 2022

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It is 2022 and the batch rename has not been implemented...





Community Beginner ,
Sep 21, 2022 Sep 21, 2022

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I have used Lightroom over the years (since Aperture was discontinued), then used Capture One for a few years, then just came back to Lightroom recently due to job requirements. I have been asking about this for years now, but it appears Adobe refuses to bring this small feature to the New Lightroom.


This feature has been the major reason why I haven't fully switched over to Lightroom from Lightroom Classic (amongst other, smaller, reasons too). I can't speak for others' workflows, but for my own. So, for the sake of transparency, the following is my typical workflow after an event: 1) Import images into Lightroom Classic, while also adding these images as part of a New Collection (which can be seen in the New Lightroom; I really like being able to see every picture I've taken over the years across all devices!!), then 2) start going through all the images, rating and rejecting, etc.. Then, once finished, 3) I delete the rejected images, THEN 4) perform the Batch Rename command to rename all images respectively, then 5) I export images to their respective folders.


It would be soooooooo much easier if 1) we were able to bring these images directly into the New Lightroom, 2) go through the management/processing of the images in there, 3) Delete the images that aren't useful/helpful, 4) Batch Rename at any time, and 5) export images. I am already aware that what I said above can be done in the New Lightroom, but it's missing the Batch Rename feature....


I am not a fan of using the Batch Rename feature when exporting images in the New Lightroom, as I frankly will not know the picture numbers when a client comes back to me, asking about a certain image.... I also am not a fan of Batch Renaming from Adobe Bridge before bringing them into Lightroom, as I am not sure if there are certain images can be salvaged before going into Lightroom. For instance, there may be an image or two that is a bit too bright, but I won't know if those images will "make the cut" until I actually perform edits on them in Lightroom first (make sense???)....


Instead, I'd like to Batch Rename the images within the New Lightroom, THEN export them at those new file names going forward (hope that made sense!!!)....


Will this feature ever come to the new Lightroom?? Hopefully Adobe will initiate this feature. I look forward to you all's thoughts!!




New Here ,
Jan 04, 2023 Jan 04, 2023

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This is sort of ridiculous. I would love to use Lightroom Classic to bulk rename files, but I have been waiting (since the beginning of November) for Lightroom Classic to sync all of my photos (164,000+); currently, only 63,000 have been synced, so maybe by December of 2023 I can finally use Lightroom Classic!


Adobe needs to fix this before I work with my entire organization to move away from Adobe.




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 04, 2023 Jan 04, 2023

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This is a five-year old thread for a different product (Lightroom Desktop) - not Lightroom Classic. If you have a syncing issue with Lightroom Classic, you will be able to get help by posting in the Lightroom Classic Discussions forum.  Here is a link. 

Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org




Community Beginner ,
Jan 04, 2023 Jan 04, 2023

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It's amazing that we are still talking about this, 5+ years later!! (lol) Batch Renaming is a key aspect of my photography workflow, after going through all images taken. For it not to be present in the Lightroom (mobile) app is still beyond me....


Frankly, this would speed up my workflow immensely.... If this one feature were included in the Lightroom app (not Lightroom Desktop or Bridge alone), I wouldn't have to end up dealing with having to sync images from Lightroom Classic toward Lightroom. Instead, I could just upload everything into Lightroom, then 2) reference the images to an external hard drive (as the Creative Cloud does not allow for enough space to store 10+ TB of images, like some of us photographers have). Everything would be in one "Catalog" within Lightroom, and would be very helpful and way more efficient from a syncing perspective. Secondly, I have found that it is much more efficient to share images or galleries with people via the Lightroom (mobile) app, as the sharing option is much simpler with the link being established, and allowing for the parameters to be easily set....


Hopefully Adobe will get the Batch Renaming command into Lightroom much sooner rather than later, as it helps immensely with file naming and searching for files (rather than via keywords alone). Imagine searching for files by file names that were intentionally renamed from the camera!!! In using a simple file naming nomenclature like [Client Initials Here] MM-DD-YY-0001", and searching files in this way, that should take full advantage of the Sensei searching capabilities of the app....




Community Beginner ,
Jan 04, 2023 Jan 04, 2023

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Good morning,

Honestly, syncing from Lightroom Classic into Lightroom can be done via the Collections area of the app, within the Library module; but in my experience with it, this is extremely time consuming and unnecessarily repetitive. Currently, out of the 110,000+ images and videos that I'm maintaining, I have synced a little over 40,000 of them toward Lightroom, but I'll admit: It's very, very tedious....


For one, the folder hierarchies need to be created not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES: One is the file naming system that you currently have in place in your external hard drive(s) (which you should do when importing any images into the Lightroom Classic Catalog); the second is in the Collections area of Lightroom Classic, and the third is in the Lightroom app itself.... Although when you create a New Collection in Lightroom Classic off of one of your existing folders from your external hard drive, which does show up in the Lightroom app, you still have to manually move the folder/Album into the correct spot within the Lightroom (mobile) app each and every time.... As a result, I often have both Lightroom Classic and Lightroom open on the Mac, on different screens, at the same time, just so I can make sure the folder hierarchies are current....


Honestly, this is very, very time consuming, but since I want to be able to see every picture I've ever taken without having to look in my external hard drive each time, this has been the method I've had to endure.... This is precisely why I am so, so adamant about Adobe incorporating the Batch Rename feature into the Lightroom app. From a professional standpoint, renaming files to a specific naming nomenclature (instead of the standard camera file names) to share with clients is extremely important.... That move alone (of Batch Renaming) would single-handedly allow me to 1) move my entire collection of images (as References, of course) into the Lightroom (mobile + Mac) app, and 2) it would save me a lot of time when it comes to syncing between Lightroom Classic and Lightroom.....


Honestly: I need two major things to happen with the Lightroom app in order for me to move exclusively toward it instead of having to use both Lightroom Classic and Lightroom: 1) Batch Renaming needs to be included, and 2) shooting tethered.... Now that I think about it, if the tethered feature can't be incorporated into the Lightroom app due to restrictions in referenced file dynamics (or some other complicated reason, lol), if Adobe Bridge included a tethering feature (not sure if it does), that could suffice.... That way, in terms of workflow, the tethering feature would work where 1) I'd hook the camera up to the computer, 2) I'd open up Bridge, then 3) I'd create a folder in either my computer or externally connected hard drive, 4) denote that folder to be the "hot folder" where all shots would go, then 5) begin shooting. Then, once finished, I can simply 6) go into Lightroom, 7) import the "hot folder" into Lightroom, which then 8) would start syncing immediately to all my other devices, then 9) begin editing immediately, say, on the iPad or even the phone while out in the field, 10) Batch Rename my images from any one of those devices, then 11) either share or export my files at whatever resolution I'd desire with people or the client....


That method above right there could be way, way more efficient overall from a photography perspective, but I definitely welcome you all's thoughts!




New Here ,
Apr 27, 2023 Apr 27, 2023

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Please add at least the ability to rename ONE file at a time. Thank you.




New Here ,
Jul 26, 2023 Jul 26, 2023

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Thats what i thought, yet the filename is not immaterial: Once you share an album, people will the the original filename when opening the Info-Tab. I need to get rid of guests/clients seeing the source filename as well and dont know how. Feels kind of silly to switch to LR Classic just for that very simple thing...




Community Beginner ,
Sep 05, 2023 Sep 05, 2023

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It's 2023  

Why the hell can I not rename my photos?????




New Here ,
Oct 02, 2023 Oct 02, 2023

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I think having the ability to rename (and batch rename) is huge. It's not just file management for within CC. But if you're managing a large amount of photos that need to be moved somewhere else, being able to quickly rename them all so they could be used and sorted would be a huge timesaver.




Community Beginner ,
Oct 12, 2023 Oct 12, 2023

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Why this was rejected? Lightroom is just that. Is an image processing and managing app. 




New Here ,
Nov 29, 2023 Nov 29, 2023

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Would really like the ability to change the filename for a photo in LR Cloud Desktop.


If I have a bunch of similar photos, would be great if I could rename each of them to be able to easily tell them apart. Maybe I tried something a little different in each photo, and I'd like to be able to easily identify the differences by putting that information in the filename.


I know when I export a JPG from RAW I can give these a unique name. But the original JPGs from camera filenames cannot be changed. When in Compare view, it's almost impossible to tell which JPG is which.


This goes hand-in-hand with adding Info Overlays to all of the views.




Community Beginner ,
Jan 17, 2024 Jan 17, 2024

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This is a major oversight by Adobe and speaks volumes about their lack of care for traditional standards and the professional photographic community and our workflows.  We can't just have a thousand files name IMG_1234.jpg sitting around when we export out of this closed loop system.  What on earth were you thinking when you decided - for everyone - that filenames aren't important?  I need to be able to keep my workflow, and work remotely on multiple machines and my iphone - a filename shouldn't stop that.  Wild.




Explorer ,
Jul 15, 2024 Jul 15, 2024

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When Lightroom Cloud was announced, I was really excited for it.  Unfortunately, there were just too many omissions of features so I remained a Lightroom Classic user.  With Lightroom 7.3, that finally changed to where the benefits of the Cloud outnumbered the benefits of remaining with Lightroom Classic.  I took the plunge an switched my entire catalog to Lightroom.
Having done that, there are still a few things that I miss from Classic that I hope to see Adobe address.   Below is my wish list for new features in the order that I would find them useful:
1.  Batch file rename.  My file naming provides me important information about my images.  Since my change, I now have to use Bridge to rename my files prior to moving them to the cloud.  I would be much easier to simply do this in Lightroom.  Also, would be helpful if using the Lightroom Camera or other camera that is importing directly to Lightroom (would save exporting - renaming - importing).
2.  The ability to reorder the Edit panels like in Classic.  This would really help with my workflow as I have a particular order that I like to do things.  It would also be nice if the Preset panel could be part of the Edit module instead of sticking out and shrinking my image.
3.  I miss having the Color Labels and having them displayed in the little box next to stars and flags.  I can live without them, but it sure would be nice to have them.
4.  Smart Collections are another feature that I found useful that I miss.
5.  I have two monitors and do miss having the second screen support.
6.  When in Grid View with the right panel open, I get a message about edit controls only being available in detail view.  Why not simply make Info view the default (or selectable as the default) to display information on whatever picture I have selected in Grid view.
7.  Please make the text in the camera/lens information block brighter and easier to read.  The dim gray is just too hard to see.  All of the other fields (File Name, City, etc. are. bright white and easy to read).
8.  When importing files from the Archive File, provide an option to delete those imported files from the Archive.  
And finally, one thing that will not benefit me but would benefit others, the ability to send a Lightroom Classic Catalog and Master Image Files to Adobe on a hard drive for initial upload to the cloud.  My Library was 2.1 TB, I have the best internet available in my somewhat rural area, and it still took a week to upload to the cloud.
That’s all.  Just a few suggestions from one Classic user that had moved to the Cloud.  I hope there is some way to implement as many of these as possible in the not too distant future.





Explorer ,
Jul 17, 2024 Jul 17, 2024

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Another reason bulk renaming is important is that I often sort folders by name, not capture time.  Currently I have to rename everything in Bridge prior to importing to the Cloud.  Would be much easier to rename in Lightroom.  Also, if I take photos with the Lightroom Camera, I now have to export those images, rename them, then reimport them.  Again, this would be much easier with a batch rename.




Explorer ,
Sep 13, 2024 Sep 13, 2024

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It is now 2024-09-13 and rename file(s) in Lightroom CC (the cloud based) still not available! 

The post and my comment are NOT about naming when exporting, but about the ability to rename photo(s) in Lightroom itself! 




New Here ,
Sep 15, 2024 Sep 15, 2024

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It is very stupid that this feature is not existed in the first place. It is even more stupid that it has taken years for Adobe to take any action.




New Here ,
Feb 04, 2025 Feb 04, 2025

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We definitely need both automation and bulk renaming feature, like in Classic and Bridge

It's amazing that it doesn't exist in the workflow.



