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P: Display all photos that exist in sub folders when clicking on a parent folder

Explorer ,
Sep 29, 2023 Sep 29, 2023

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Currently in LR for iPadOS, you can only see the photos in a single album at a time.  In both LRC and LR Desktop, when you click on a parent folder, you see all of the photos that are in all of the sub folders.  For example, in LRC here are 2 examples of my folder hierarchy:  Mtn Biking>Washington>Galby> Day.  Mtn Biking>Canada>Whistler>Day.  If I click on Mtn Biking, I see all of my Mtn biking photos.  If I click on Washington, I see all of my Mtn biking photos from Washington. If I click on Whistler, I see all of my photos from just Whistler and so on.  

In LR for iPadOS, this doesn't work.  I have to drill down to each specific album to see any photos and I can see only those photos. A lot times I want to look through photos of more than just one album at a time.  Like in my examples, sometimes I want to see all of the photos I took at Whistler or Galby for example.  This is one of the biggest annoyances I have with LR for the iPadOS. 

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