I would like to use Adobe Cloud as emergency, 4th redundant, offsite backup solution. I do have the 1TB plan, but that is not enough for my RAW files, I don't want to pay more and I don't have the upload capacity for that anyway.
What is realistic is pushing lossy compressed dngs to the cloud, as a last resort they still have great quality and are very small and quick enough to upload with my slow third world (Germany) connection.
The current system is very cumbersome to use, I have to duplicated my photos into lossy dng, have them recognized with LR classic so it won't redownload them and upload them with LR CC. In the end all my photos are there twice in Classic and the cloud, showing up double when I search for things. No sync between original files and lossy backup. It's just not practical.
What would be practical would be an option to chose how to sync per collection, if it should upload the originals, smart previews, lossless dng or lossy dng. Like LR Classic is doing at the moment (with smart previews or originals), just more options and a menu to chose what to do.
Would be so much more practical and useful.