That capability already exists via the LrWeb app in your browser. Open the LrWeb app (go to, login with your Adobe ID), select the album, then at the bottom left of the toolbar at the bottom of the grid display click on the "Display" icon (third from the left, looks like an artist's palette). It's important to understand that what your viewers see is whatever is set as the album's "Custom Order"....that custom order can be set anywhere in the system, but there can only be one custom order per album, and it's a case of wherever it's set last is what the viewers will see. In the absence of a specifically set custom order, I believe the default would be capture date and likely oldest first. But the Display icon will always initially show the current custom order.
So once you click on that Display icon, whatever is shown in the grid is what the viewers will see. However, having clicked on that Display icon, a new album settings dialog box will appear bottom centre of the display. This gives you some customising options for the selected album, and if you click on the up-arrow at the right of this settings dialog you will see some additional options, most of which will be self-explanatory. Most importantly for your use-case there is a "Reorder by" button at the bottom, and clicking on that will show you a variety of options. To be clear, using any of these options will reorder the currently set custom order (if used) for that album. You will see that you can select one of several options, including star rating, capture date, file name and so on....and then there's also a "Reverse Order" option. So you can play with these options to get the display to your exact liking (even "tweak" the order using drag and drop), and whatever you end up with will be what the viewers see when they browse your album.