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I stumbled across this online tool which allows you to import a T pose and then add animations which it then combines and allows you to export.
But the combiner only seems to work for the Mixamo Michelle model. I've tried at least a dozen other models and they all import with really bad texture glitches. This tool would be much easier to use then Blender so can anyone shed any light as to why Michelle textures properly but other Mixamo characters don't? Thanks and Peace.
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its converting the file wrong but its a simple code error and easy to fix at their end
as for the copyright issue of running a Mixamo tool in a web browser?
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Good point regarding the copyright. With respect to combining animations, this might sounds crazy, since fbx animations can be downloaded as text files, would it be possible to combine animations that way? I don't mean just cutting and pasting text sequentially. I was thinking of "extending the animation", as if the developer had designed the animation that way in the first place. Would love to hear your take.
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yes it possible but results will depend on the animations; for example run + jump would work much better then run + sit... a human eye is always best