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[Licensing] Sharing Maya Files with Mixamo character animations

Community Beginner ,
Jan 06, 2021 Jan 06, 2021

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I am using some of the free mixamo animations on the generic male/female character for some of my R&D in Autodesk's Maya. I wanted to share my example maya files with some mixamo samples embedded/included in them with the Maya user community. These would be shared for free and at no profit to me and with specific mention of Mixamo's website for the source of the animation samples. So, I was wondering if that's permissible under Mixamo's usage terms?

This page seems to have some Adobe specific terms and conditions (clauses 3.5, 3.6, 4.3(A)) which are a bit wide ranging but it's not clear to me if I can do what I outlined above. Can somebody from the Mixamo or Adobe team please chip in and advise?



Character , Download , Upload




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Jan 06, 2021 Jan 06, 2021
if the Mixamo animations are embedded (as in a vid, images or game file) that is allowed however if they are just there as animation files then its not allowed...

So, essentially, stuff can't be shared in a format where the mixamo animation is still editable (which would be the case here as its a regular Maya file). Got it.

Adobe does not post the Mixamo licence terms because they don't care about Mixamo but its the same terms it has always been before Adobe got involved

Well, that was the whole po



Jan 06, 2021 Jan 06, 2021

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I wanted to share my example maya files with some mixamo samples embedded/included in them with the Maya user community

if the Mixamo animations are embedded (as in a vid, images or game file) that is allowed however if they are just there as animation files then its not allowed... if people can use the files like they would get from downloading them from Mixamo then that is what they should do i.e, get them from Mixamo themselves


you giving the files away free or asking $ is not the point and that page you linked to has nothing to do with Adobe Mixamo or Fuse licence... Adobe does not post the Mixamo licence terms because they don't care about Mixamo but its the same terms it has always been before Adobe got involved




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 06, 2021 Jan 06, 2021

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if the Mixamo animations are embedded (as in a vid, images or game file) that is allowed however if they are just there as animation files then its not allowed...

So, essentially, stuff can't be shared in a format where the mixamo animation is still editable (which would be the case here as its a regular Maya file). Got it.

Adobe does not post the Mixamo licence terms because they don't care about Mixamo but its the same terms it has always been before Adobe got involved

Well, that was the whole point of referring to *any* Adobe license term and asking here. And btw, the page I referred to is linked from the generic Adobe terms page at the bottom of mixamo page. I don't care much for mixamo. The source of animation in my specific case happens to be a free sample from mixamo. I guess I'll just switvh over to something else.


Thanks for taking the time to respond.




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Jan 07, 2021 Jan 07, 2021

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yes the issue there is Adobe has lots of little dev bubbles that don't talk to each other and Mixamo \ Fuse came from outside to get the staff so it comes under a licence that doesn't fit any other Adobe software




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