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Hi, I'm trying to use the looping ladder climb animation "climbing ladder on x bot" in unreal engine 5. The issue I'm having is that when importing the exported fbx the root motion occurs on the XY plane only and not on Z. Instead the pelvis bone is mostly responsible for the Z height of the character.
This makes it impossible to use as a looping root motion animation. Because it doesn't actually climb upwards. And when it loops it jumps downwards. I'd like to simply turn on "Use Root Motion" in unreal to have the animation itself drive the character position, since the climb height is an extremely specific rate and makes little sense to trial-and-error the motion via code scripting (I tried anyway and it's approximately 44.2 units in Z per cycle).
Attached is the export directly from mixamo, inspecting in any software will show you what I mean by the root motion only being on 2 of 3 expected axis.
Have something to add?