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to drop the file size / compexity you have to open it in whatever editor and 'decimate' it a few times
in this case your model is in two parts [body + head] i ran a .50% on the bidy 3 times so 1/2, 1/4 then 1/8 and then i also "decimated" the head .50 once... i did more on the body because i consider the head more important for close ups but if you fine the model distorts while moving around you could 'decimate' the head 3 times instead and the body once
Never run more than a 50% decimate in a si
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You are a living legend! Might I ask what you did to make it work please?
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to drop the file size / compexity you have to open it in whatever editor and 'decimate' it a few times
in this case your model is in two parts [body + head] i ran a .50% on the bidy 3 times so 1/2, 1/4 then 1/8 and then i also "decimated" the head .50 once... i did more on the body because i consider the head more important for close ups but if you fine the model distorts while moving around you could 'decimate' the head 3 times instead and the body once
Never run more than a 50% decimate in a single turn... always take lots of small bits instead of trying 80-90% in one big hit
also as we talked about your model was not standing correct on the ground plain ... this appears to be a zbrush issue
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Yes infact I used Zbrush for that model. Thanks a lot, very useful information on the Decimate modifier.
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Hii, sorry to bother you, but I need your help wuwuwu. I have two characters that I need to upload to Mixamo. Two of them I export from the ZBrush in fbx file and both of them are .
When I upload one of it (Main Character), Mixamo shows "Sorry we had trouble receiving your upload." and the fbx file size is 266,695KB, is the file too large?
And for the another character (Zombie), Mixamo shows "Sorry, unable to map your existing skeleton.". However, I have try to upload obj file to Mixamo, it works, but if i upload obj, my character loses colours and texture. and the file size is 135,404KB.
Is there any possible solution to fix it?
yes the file is far too big ... its also in the wrong pose
yes its pretty easy to fix but i can't send you files in the mail so please make a forum post when you need help
example zombie repair file included
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issue 1 - zbrush zeros the middle of the file be default but Mixamo needs it to stand on the ground plain
issue 2 - the file needs to be less complex i.e, smaller and you do this be running a decemate [3X50% in this example] ... never do more than 50% in a single bite
issue 3 you want the textures so be sure to export them ... if using Blender then its 'copy' + click the box turning it blue
now upload repaired file to Mixamo, set you points and be sure to test after downloading
now we are having a bit of rain here and i need to go make sand bags so could be a few days before i get back online... i'll have a go at doing your other character if i get time but again, may take a while before i have time
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Omgg thank you so muchh, I will try this method on my other characters!!
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