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"Some files on the server may be missing or incorrect" Warning Message

Adobe Employee ,
Jan 19, 2015 Jan 19, 2015

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In recent months a large volume of users have reported they are being shown a browser message stating “Some files on the server may be missing or incorrect.” The purpose of this message is to inform you that missing or outdated Muse files exist on the server that is hosting your site. When Muse generates the files for a site it writes a unique key value or version into the JavaScript files, HTML files and some of the CSS files. When an HTML page is loaded a snippet of JavaScript confirms the keys of version numbers the HTML file expects are what's found in the loaded JavaScript and CSS files.

If not all of the correct files exist on your server then viewers of the site might experience issues such as:

•    Incorrect Positioning, Formatting, Sizing

•    Unexpected Interactions (ex. Widgets will fail to work)

•    JavaScript Errors are Reported

•    Missing Images

When the warning appears one of several possible problems could exists. Below is a list of the most probable causes:

1.    One or more files are missing from the server or the permissions are set incorrectly. (The browser can't access one of the site's files) On server systems, files and folders are given attribute settings called permissions that tell the system what actions can be performed with these files, and who is allowed to perform them.

2.    Files on the server are from mixed versions of Muse or mixed versions of your site (i.e. mypage.html from a different version of the page than mypage.css).

3.    Custom code added to the page is invalid or conflicts with Muse code. Potential cases are copying and pasting in embed code that's missing closing tags (i.e. <div> with no matching </div>) or attempting to add more complicated code that brings in a different version of jQuery or other conflicting JavaScript. If this is the cause of the warning message, it can be browser-specific, since JavaScript is often used to compensate for bugs is specific browsers or browser versions

4.    In very rare cases we've seen a browser load one file from the local cache and another from the server when both files on the server were newer than what is in the browsers cache. This results in a mismatch in the browser and thus the warning message. This cause of the warning would be on one specific computer and in one specific browser. Muse takes measures to prevent browser caching issues so it is very rare. If it occurs clearing the browser cache will be necessary to avoid the warning message. If the warning weren't present clearing the cache would be necessary in order to have the page display and behavior correctly, without formatting errors, JavaScript errors or errors in behavior

5.    Also very rare, but we've had cases where the server side caching provided by BC fails to properly clear the cache for some files when new versions are published. If this occurs the server side cache will clear after a period of time, or BC support can explicitly force the cache to be cleared. Again, this one is very rare, but it has occurred.

6.    Problems at the hosting provider. If your hosting provider is intermittently not serving up all the files for a given page of the site, that will cause this warning message to appear. This is also very rare, but has occurred.

Of the issues listed above, options #1 and #2 account for the majority of reports for this warning. When a third-party FTP solution is used, the application commonly fails to upload everything that has changed. When either of these two are the cause, the warning is consistent in all browsers. To resolve this issue, you should delete all existing Muse files on the server and re-upload all of your files exported from Muse.

If you choose to use Muse’s internal FTP client (“File” -> “Upload to FTP Host”) then Muse will detect which files have changed and only upload those files. If you choose to export the Muse site (“File -> “Export to HTML”)  and upload using a third party FTP solution, it is recommended to upload all files and folders exported from Muse and use the "only upload changed files" setting(s) within your FTP client (if it has such a setting) to minimize what's actually uploaded, rather than attempting to second guess what's actually been updated.

Furthermore details for missing/mismatching files can be checked on page with browser developer tools (specifically the JavaScript console), you can type "Muse.assets" (minus the quotes) in the JavaScript console to view the object that contains lists of the files Muse believes are out-of-date or missing. Note that in order to not impact the load performance of the web page, Muse only verifies the version and existence of JavaScript files and the page-specific .css file. Images, assets and the global and master page css are not verified.






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Aug 01, 2017 Aug 01, 2017

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I don´t see it to pay € 20,00 for a mistake from muse, when one can get the same for free here: https://widgetsformuse.com/widgets.html#!/Tools-Hide-message/p/86716540/category=22375045

Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-01 um 22.01.10.png





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Explorer ,
Aug 23, 2017 Aug 23, 2017

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Its not the same, The Widget of VexShad is not solving the real problem as he points out him self. 😉





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Explorer ,
Aug 23, 2017 Aug 23, 2017

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Here you can see what the iVi - Page Updater Widget does.






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