Seit dem letzten Update sind die Ergebnisse der generativen Erweiterung extrem schlecht. Das ursprüngliche Bild ist deutlich zu erkennen, Muster werden nicht nahtlos fortgesetzt etc. So sind die Ergebnisse leider nicht zu gebrauchen.
@Caity.psd Strange, I installed the update to 25.1 today and I don't see any issues. I'm on Windows 10 (22H2) with a GTX 1050Ti with the latest Studio driver.
last update of PS Beta 25.1.0 20230826.m.2304 824db35 arm64 and even the version before
are producing when using generative fill oversaturated results with sharp edges on selection as you can see in attached image. Everything is ok when you are working in srgb color space...when im working with adobergb images or with images with other color space like srgb results are unusable.
Since Update 25.0 generated image Parts do not blend the edges like before, theres always a cut. Generative Fill is basically unusuable in this state. I also experienced that the results were far less real and convincing since the latest updates. Please fix this asap Adobe.
Após a última atualização, as imagens geradas pela AI não estão sendo precisas, mostrando onde há a aplicação do efeito. Posso fazer algo para resolver ou é necessário aguardar uma nova atualização?
The generative fill in version 25.1 does not merge the edges as before, the cut is visible and generated images have less quality. It used to work perfectly in previous versions, please fix it.
Every time I use generative fill, I'm now getting a distinctive line at the join and it doesnt look seamless any more. Quality has really detieriorated with the AI part of the image. It's been driving me mad as I've got loads of images to work on and need it working now. Very frustrating indeed
My generative fill doesn't blend at all with the original image. Especially generative expand create visible edges. Started to be like this when I updated at the beta 25. I updated at the 25.1 and didn't fix it up.
With the new update, the new image is created with a hard-edged mask, which makes visible a discontinuity between the original image and the expanded one
Depuis quelques fois quand je souhaite suprprimer ou utiliser le remplissment génératif, les couleurs ne sont plus les mêmes. Le remplissage est ok mais j'ai sois un rouge soit une couleur plus saturée. Là, dans l'exemple de recadrage, on voit la couleur plus saturée à droite. Merci de vos retours.
Hi all. updated to the latest version 25.1.0. The seam is still visible, the generative fill is also slowly loading. I miss version 24.7. I hope future versions will fix these problems. 🥲
Much better, almost perfect but not quite. I marked white dots on this image to indicate the area, the seam is above and to the left of the white dots. I found it easiest to see on pics with plain blue sky, and honestly, couldn't produce a "worse" example, but thought I would share anyway.
@onemeg I increased the exposure and contrast to accentuate the error. There is a definite straight edge with little blending and a pattern difference in the sky.