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P: Generated images violate user guidelines

Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

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Bunny.pngexpand image

image (1).pngexpand image


So as you can see, it's a PG-13 relatively inoffensive image of a woman in a bunny outfit. The top worked fine, and I was able to complete the top ear, which is cool. When I tried to extend the bottom with generative fill, though, I got this warning. They're just a pair of legs wearing stockings, and I wanted to extend it.

It feels like a false flag - though I could be wrong? I find myself thinking it would do the same for women in swimsuits.

Figured I'd share here.

Bug Started Locked
Desktop-macOS , Desktop-Windows




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Adobe Employee , Nov 10, 2023 Nov 10, 2023

Dear Community,

On November 7th, 2023, the Firefly for Photoshop service was updated and improved for this issue. You should encounter fewer guideline errors when working on or near skin-tone areas that do not violate the community guidelines.

While the improvement is a big step in the right direction, we are continuing to explore new ways to minimize false-positives. Please continue to give us feedback on this new forum thread and also report false violation errors in the application.
Thank you



replies 1389 Replies 1389
Community Beginner ,
Jun 12, 2023 Jun 12, 2023

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Couldn't agree more - though I also understand why these companies fear bad press from people making things with their tools that goad the general public into crying for more top-down control. 

I'm sure things will begin to balance out a bit more once some of the 'hubbub' around AI tools and the ethics surrounding them calms down as people begin to realize they are still just 'tools' and point their fingers at people who misuse them instead. 

I'm a libertarian at heart and believe that so long as people are in the comfort and sanctity of their own personal domain they should be allowed to do anything aside from harming others - but unfortunately there are a great deal of projectionists (in the psychological sense) out there who would seek to avoid a glimpse in the mirror by shouting at everyone else's reflection instead. 




Community Beginner ,
Jun 12, 2023 Jun 12, 2023

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Image detection algorithms are funny things and can be quite unpredictable until they really get dialed-in, and that takes some tweaking and time. 
Just look at Stable Diffusion and how their first couple 'censored' models also resulted in a drastic reduction in general usability = they turned an amazing tool into absolute caca while trying to keep the thought police happy; thankfully they also allowed people to train their models so they could produce whatever the heck they wanted, which was something much more in alignment with their original ethos. 

Depending on the dataset and how the model was trained, any keywords having to do with areas of the human body that are also frequenly shown in naughty ways can unwittingly create similar images - in which case the detection algos kick in and do their work. 

What Adobe should be doing is allowing people the same as what Emad's team (et al) did in allowing people to apply finetunes to the model, which puts the majority of the questions regarding responsible use and ethicality back on the users and idemnifying them from what others create. 

There will still almost certainly be the dreaded "Look what _AdobeProduct_ let me make" here and there, but at least people would know by and large that it wouldn't be possible without the individual training it that way.




Explorer ,
Jun 12, 2023 Jun 12, 2023

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Today I saw the future. Actually I saw a red truck Mid Journey produced a few months ago. Trash. Then a picture of a MJ red truck today. Completely amazing. Very fast, brilliant evolution.

My crystal ball says that in less than 2 years, we will use specialized prompt software to generate an object (person, animal, cartoon, alien, etc.) in 2d (similar to today). Once we approve of the character, click a button to submit the drawing to be rendered in 3D. Every limb joint (or micro point like around the eyes and lips) will have a pivot point. We can move every element of the 3d model and create a pose. Then we click for a snap shot and add those images to other images to create art for ads, children's books, comic books, regular art, etc.

This is similar to what the Nvidia CEO demonstrated as the future for designing factory production systems with their new computers. The concept is like fast regeneration in video games. So nothing really new, just AI to facilitate user created graphics. (The 3d object might be a wire structure until we click, "Render" to render a 2d image.





Community Beginner ,
Jun 12, 2023 Jun 12, 2023

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I was attempting to fill a window in an image with this prompt and got a violation notice:

Dark backlit head and torso of a man





Community Expert ,
Jun 12, 2023 Jun 12, 2023

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Everyone is sayihg AI will put professional photographers out of business. It won't. They will adapt and use AI to their advantage. Amateur photographers will keep doing what they're doing because it's a hobby, not a business, and AI means nothing to them. It will, however, put professional or wanna-be professioanl models out of business. At least to a point. There will always be exceptions, not to mention legal issues when it comes to using likenesses of well-known actors, models, or trying to pass AI off as a real photograph of a real person. We won't be seeing an AI version of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition any time soon. In any case, t's going to get very interesting for sure.

daniellei4510 | Community Forum Volunteer
I am my cat's emotional support animal.




Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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I've had loads of violation errors using BLANK prompts, and more than a few working on their OWN generated image




Community Expert ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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First time, huh? I've gotten it about three times. Worked eventually a couple minutes or less later. Just think of it as zipper merging on the on-ramp during highway or bridge construction. 

daniellei4510 | Community Forum Volunteer
I am my cat's emotional support animal.




New Here ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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you probably already know about this but 90 percent of the time generative fill returns a warning saying that it wont work as the generated image violates user guidelines... this is for all photos including grass and trees as well as baby photos and portraits 




Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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Meet Galaxina, my latest creation. Her nose, face & hair are the only original parts left. Her mouth was horribly distorted, so it took ages to find a nice one. I gave her kinder eyes and changed their colour. Costume took a while to find but it was worth the wait, I also added the pearls and changed the background to sky. Loving playing about with this......  This has taken me 3 hours as only one out of 6 generations were usable. 


Galaxina.jpgexpand image





Community Expert ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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Hi @Davi260969189pzw yes this has been well documented in this forum. Try entering a basic prompt and see if you still get a failure.




Explorer ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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Regarding, the high demand message.

Watched a video of a person who asked questions to the CEO of Mid Journey. She asked why don't they advertise and why do they stay so low keyed?

The message was that if MJ user count grew as fast as the "hottest" Internet apps grew in the past, that the world would not have the computing power to support their growth.

Hence why the Nvidia stock prices zoomed up.

Does PS have the computing power in its Cloud, probably not. Can Nvidia supply its computer fast enough?

Will we have to pay for these new computers? Of course.






New Here ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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quiet a lot of the time that helps but most of the results when a prompt is entered arent usable... 




Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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What I wonder frequently is WHAT kind of machines do they have NOW that we DON'T know about ??




New Here ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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I have been using AI image generators for work and business for a long time. Then, just recently I gave a try to PS Beta AI. I fully understand that there are many things not to expect, but I am very satisfied with the results. If it's about nature, flowers and the sky. Everything else is strictly prohibited. I am a photographer, and I mostly capture subjects related to the military and the army things. And basically, everything related to that is prohibited. Even if I select a tiny area in the whole photo which won't make any difference, I still can't process it because the photograph itself falls under the prohibited subject matter.

Fire, smoke, black smoke, bare legs, soldiers, weapons, grenades, attack helicopters, military rocket launchers, and so on. These are just a few keywords I have tried. There are numerous other foolish restrictions that seemingly have no connection to the used keyword.

Also, I have been using MJ for a year now, and I haven't had as many rejected keywords/prompts as I have had in a week with the Beta AI. It's unbelievable.

I understand that there is currently a war going on in Ukraine, and Russia could exploit AI for spreading propaganda, as seen in the recent case with the burning Pentagon. But maybe you should disable this AI function for Russia instead of launching a semi-functional AI?


Even if that's the case, there should be a warning before installing this program stating that the Beta AI is not suitable for journalists/photographers who have a hobby/job of photographing/editing images related to the military, police, firefighters, rescuers, and other dangerous professions.

I apologize for the emotions and for being sarcastic, but my patience simply has run out when I see that yellow warning dozens of times a day.

Thank you.




Community Beginner ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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The warning of violating guidelines is absolutely terrible. You don't even have to be in the same world of possible violations. It pops all the time over absolutely nothing. And which part is in violation? Who knows. 




Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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If we knew which friggin words were violating the poor innocent bot it would be a big help. Sadly, we continue getting them even with a blank prompt, if anything it's gotten worse 




New Here ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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Nude art is as old as humanity, it's ridiculous patronizing paying Customers (that are age verified by the credit card they used to pay enormous subscription fees) as if every creation was curated by some preschoolers and therefore need to be family friendly. 




New Here ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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Who are you to decide what I create for my own eyes to see? The only thing that needs to be stopped are entitled wannabe moral apostles forcing their bigotry on others as if they are in any form better than others. Shame on you, fascists like you did and still do more harm in this world than p0rnhub ever could.




Explorer ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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I am constantly facing this issue when leaving text prompt blank (trying to fill without text prompt).


OInha_0-1686694103817.pngexpand image


OInha_1-1686694112446.pngexpand image





New Here ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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D Fosse you are missing the point. If some (i make an analogy) takes from your world and brings you to theres, and says you need to forget your world, you now live in mine. Is that okay? You now must think and act like we do, in this new world (order). You can cesnor art, even if it is used for wrong intent. It is up to the viewer to understand morals and judment, not the artist. The artist shold be free to express ones mind, even if it is hateful and negative. Have you seen the cover of Ice T "Home invasion album" The FBI tried having that album removed from stores, because of the album cover. They didnt because it went against the artists intent, it was not to show negative acts to reproduce them, but to show this is the violence experienced by many living in the NYC. The work around they did to partially censor it, was to place a sticker over it. Once you purchased the album, the art work was yours to do with whatever you chose. This should be the same for AI. If you sensor it, i should have the option to appeal your biased views on what i think versus you think should be cesnored. If not, you have a biased and non inclusive app. Almost like how churches and catholic shchools try to convince you that if televsions and music is not in the word of God "praising him" it's a sin. Well, did Jesus know about Netflix? I dont think so.




Engaged ,
Jun 14, 2023 Jun 14, 2023

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Hi folks, here's my latest creation.....Idyllic country scene. I prompted a calm river, and generated the house, garden, wildlife table, chairs etc....bit by bit, even the water drop. I find it a relaxing thing to do. I also create music for my own enjoyment so this is a nice change......

cottage 001.jpgexpand image






New Here ,
Jun 14, 2023 Jun 14, 2023

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I have found a solution to the overzealous guidelines errors!  Generate your AI content using another piece of software or website, and then import it into Photoshop and work on it as normal.  In essence, don't waste your time trying to use Photoshop's generative fill, as it's completely broken and unusable.

I mostly work on editing photos of singers and musicians, from rock and metal bands.  Many of their outfits are quite revealing, with an abundance of torsos and cleavage on show.  the ONLY way I have had any success, is by chopping the source image up, so I can select just an arm to fix a missing elbow, or just a head to fix bad hair.  Any attempt to use a complete photo gets rejected.

I see 3 possible options for making GenFill work: 1, completely remove all restrictions (why are Adobe suddenly censoring our creations anyway?). 2, Fix the guidelines (this seems like an impossible option, without several more years of training for the AI). 3.  Just add an age requirement to the software, if you are over 18, there should be no restrictions to what you can create.




Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2023 Jun 14, 2023

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You already have to be over 18 to use it. No idea why though 🙂 




Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2023 Jun 14, 2023

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I agree. We're all ignoring the fact that Adobe have now established themselves as some kind of arbiter of virtue and purity with the "guidelines." Since when does the paintbrush dictate what art the painter can create? We've been conditioned to accept this as "normal" but it is so far from normal it actually defies belief. A design software company is dictating what artists can and can't design? In any other context, the solution would be to use a different tool. 




Explorer ,
Jun 14, 2023 Jun 14, 2023

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I think a better solution, for both Adobe and artists, is to set up the generation to happen without saving anything to their servers. And then remove all restrictions and leave all legal liability on the users, where it belongs. This is the model that has existed for the last 30 years and has worked well. 



