The problem of launching the application after upgrading to version 25.0. I tried to roll back to the previous version 24.7, the application opens, but the generative fill does not work. Then I upgraded to version 25.0 and the application does not open
The same thing happened to me. I was sitting editing photos and did the update, so used Time Machine to restore the previous verision. The old Beta version runs, but curiously the Creative Cloud app now thinks I run the updated version. So it seems that it does not look at what is installed, but rather have some internal book keeping.
after 2023.08.19 update, when launching photoshop betta, the message appears: "an unrecoverable error has occurred. Photoshop will exit" Before this update was and everything worked fine after.
OPS! did the first Photoshop Beta update to 25.0 as requested......,downloaded the update,everything ok? No ! it doesn't open anymore! restarted the Mac, but still the same problem, something went wrong! How can I fix it without making too much trouble? Thank you 10000000
I have an issue - I can't launch the new beta version of Photoshop(25.0).
I had to update the Photoshop beta version from 24.7 to 25.0 due to the deactivation of AI functions in the old version. I updated the version using Creative Cloud.
When I launch the application (whether through Creative Cloud, the Start menu, or with administrator rights), I get a loading screen (nothing happens on it) and an error message "An unrecoverable error has occurred. Photoshop will exit." - consequently, the application doesn't start.
What I've done:
Deleted the beta version through Creative Cloud and reinstalled it - same problem.
Uninstalled the beta version without saving data and reinstalled it again - same problem.
Updated graphics card drivers to the latest version (GeForce Studio Version 08/08/2023) - same problem.
Deleted all contents from the folder C:\Users<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings and tried to launch again - same problem.
Rolled back to version 24.7 and it works perfectly (but AI features are disabled 😞 ).
Please help with resolving this issue.
Win 10
GPU - GTX 1060
Hands are intact (though I'm not so sure now 😄 )
P.S.: I can't download logs through the application (since it doesn't start) - I found another solution, maybe it will help - I took the file from here C:\Users\found\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings
When I install the latest version (25.0) of Photoshop (Beta) I get the message "An irreparable problem has occurred. Now Photoshop will be exited." I get an error. I can't enter the application. Can you help?
Eski sürüme geçtiğimde program açılıyor fakat üretken dolguyu kullanamıyorum , üretken dolguyu kullanmak için son süreme geçin hatası veriyor ve son sürümü yüklediğimde "Onarılamaz bir sorun oluştu.Şimdi Photoshop'tan çıkılacak." hatası alıyorum . Sen eski sürümü yüklediğinde üretken dolguyu kullanabiliyor musun ?