Find & Remove Distractions in Photoshop (Beta)
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We're thrilled to inform you about a brand-new feature in Photoshop Beta. We're calling it Distraction Removal, it's part of the Remove Tool, and we can't wait for you to try it out.
Distraction Removal, in the July 2024 release of Photoshop Beta, is designed to detect and select the unexpected background (or foreground) people in your image and ready them for removal.
To start using Distraction Removal:
- Update Photoshop (Beta). Make sure you have the latest version installed.
- Choose the Remove Tool: It lives in the Tool Bar in the same well as Spot Healing brush
- Click on the "Find people in background" button in the Options Bar. Detected distractions targeted for removal will be highlighted.
- Add to or subtract from the area if desired, by brushing over the canvas after selecting the + or - buttons from the Options bar.
- Press Enter/Return on your keyboard or click the Apply checkmark in the options bar.
- Share Your Feedback: Let us know what you think!
- Reply to this forum thread or
- Give it a thumbs up or thumbs down in the Beta Feedback panel.
Tip: Use the Remove Tool non-destructively; create and target a new blank layer and turn on "Sample all Layers" from the Options Bar.
Known Issue: Mac Intel performance is significantly impacted for the detection phase.
Your participation in our beta testing program is immensely appreciated. We rely on your keen observations and honest feedback to make Photoshop the best it can be. Thank you for your continued support!
Meredith Stotzner
Sr. Product Manager
Photoshop Team
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In trying this new feature I get a find distraction button which then give me choice of wires and cables or people. When people is chosen the program doesn't find people (tried multiple images) and displays message "couldn't find people who are not subject of image". Am I missing something?
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I´m using version 26.0.0 and when I try to remove people I get this message: "Couldn´t find any people who are not the subjet of the images". I tried with different images and it is always the same. The WIRES & CABLES option works well so far. Any advice? Thanks.
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I am using both the main Photoshop and Beta software and on both versions the distraction tool fails to find people "who are not the main subject". Not only does it not find the people, it causes the software to crash and I lose the generative AI credits it would have used. Is there a setting that I am missing?
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Doesn't work for me. It will select (highlight) the person, then it will either just deselect, or, if I click to apply (checkmark), again, it just deselects. Same with using the Find distractions/People button. It will highlight (in Magenta) the person in the pic, then either just deselect after a few seconds or do the same if I click the checkmark. I've tried this in both the regular and beta versions of Photoshop, and both are updated as of today. (V 26.0)
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I'm using 26.0 version and my Find Distractions button doesn't open. Whuuuuutttt? Please help.
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Estoy usando la versión 26.0.0 y cuando intento eliminar personas me aparece este mensaje: "No se pudo encontrar ninguna persona que no sea el sujeto de las imágenes". Probé con diferentes imágenes y siempre pasa lo mismo. La opción CABLES funciona bien hasta ahora.
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Ok, mi problema lo resolví yo solo.
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