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How to find out which layer in a Photoshop design made with "generative fill"?

New Here ,
Jul 17, 2023 Jul 17, 2023

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Hello, all!

So I've been using the beta version for personal use while the latest official version for my commercial work. While I try to keep the two of them separate, however, I didn't pay much attention to which is which sometimes when working on my files as the Beta version somehow is made as default by my OS. Now I'm getting paranoid that I've been using generative fill for some of my commercial designs, albeit for some minor adjustments like resizing images etc.

So, is there a way to find out which layers are made with generative fill, provided that they've been either merged with other layers or renamed? I've been retracing my steps and I do believe that I'm in the clear but this still hasn't comforted me at all. I need to be sure.

Desktop-macOS , Desktop-Windows , Web






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