Photo Restoration Neural Filter now available in Photoshop Beta!
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Hello Beta Community!
We are excited to share that Photo Restoration is now available in the Photoshop Beta. Photo Restoration is a new Neural Filter that uses an AI trained model to help restore old or damaged photographs. Using the Photo Restoration filter, users can restore the quality of their images using the basic editing options or choose to further refine using our advanced options (adjustments). Once complete, there is always an option to export the image to the main Photoshop workspace for further refinement.
Main Editing Features:
- Photo enhancement - Improve color, contrast, and details
- Enhance faces - Improve the detail on face specifically
- Scratch reduction - Restore areas of the photo that have been scratched or damaged (off by default)
Advanced Editing Features (Adjustments):
- Noise reduction
- Color noise reduction
- Halftone artifact reduction
- JPEG artifacts reduction
To access the filter, go to File > Neural Filters > Photo Restoration and switch the toggle to “on”. This will initiate the filter download and activate it for use.
Please share any thoughts and comments here on our community thread, or in-app through our Beta feedback panel (accessed via the flask icon in the upper righthand corner of the application). We look forward to hearing your feedback and seeing what you create!
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I have installed the latest Beta, but the "EnhanceFace"-Filter still makes these artificial exaggerated Plastic-Faces 😞
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think the idea was based on the earlier Beta method, but something happened
in the background for it to be removed. So this version is a pretty poor
second choice and is actually worse than not having it. But I will keep my
fingers crossed that the previous method gets used.
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And it seems the Resolution from the EnhacedFace is only a Low-Resolution now...
The old Algorithm they used before has made a HighQuality (High-Res) Face which looks really good and natural, but now everything is unusable... 😞
And the same Resolution-Problems are also with "Landscape-Mixer"...
These Filters are completely unusable in a professionell Worflow 😞
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Hi all,
Thanks for all of the feedback so far! Please keep it coming.
With the latest beta update released this week, there is a new addition to the Photo Restoration Neural Filter that offers more control with Facial Enhancement via an "Enhance Face" slider.
How are the results for you with this new control?
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I have tried the new "EnhanceFace"-Slider, but it's still make "Plastic Faces"... 😔
The main Problem is not the "Intensity". The main Problem is the BAD new Algorithm, which produce plastic/artificial/oversharpened Faces with Artifacts!
Please revert to the OLD Algorithm, which produce realistic looking Faces whitout Artifacts...
Look here, the result is looking unrealistic and like painted with the latest Beta:
And the new bad Algorithm has some more Problems!
- Resolution is rendered in LowResolution
- The Eyes/Mouth/Nose etc has much Artifacts and unrealistic Details. Instead the OLD Algorithm create always realistic Face-Details!!!
Adobe please really revert to the OLD Algorithm!!! Or make at Least an Switch to choose between the old or new Algorithm!!!
This bad new Algorithm totally destroys this great new feature!
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I no longer see the "enhance Face" control. How do I get it back? I have tried deleting the contents of the plugindata folder and download again. Still not showing that slider. I see there is some comments about using a BETA version of Photoshop. Not sure where to find this. I use Creative cloud on a PC.
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I think we will not go back to the initial filter, what happened? they could say why they took it, instead of trying to do something that looks like it but much worse.
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Here is the same Picture, rendered with GFPGAN! This is looking much more natural (No HighContrast, No Artifacts, No Plastic-Look):
here as Comparison the bad Adobe-Result:
Adobe, you should really see the Difference now...
Here is the Link to GitHub:
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The results of GFPGAN v1.3 are very similar to the version that worked well in photoshop, however in photoshop there was something more refined, too bad it doesn't come back, I don't know why they removed it, maybe it comes back as a third-party plugin... it's been 3 or 4 versions that give ridiculous results, I don't even know why they ask to test.
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I have the latest Beta version (PS 2023) which includes Photo Restoration under Neural Filters. I used this just once to revive a photo of my late sister. It worked brilliantly, but since then (about a week now,) each time I try to use the filter, it seems to start off okay but then comes to a halt with the message "We've temporarily disabled this filter because of an error". Will this feature be restored soon?
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Well I was excited by the new update that I got through today... it updated the Photorestore filter.... now you can adjust how bad it does it lol..... Bad or really bad. Bring back the 23.4!! Why does Adobe not listen?? Very disapointed with the lack of response to this.
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Hi @อาคม24521099yebm was there a question or something you wanted to share about the pdf of stock usage? Happy to try to help if you do.
Thank you,
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Hi CoryShubert! and information about what is being discussed here? is that nobody from Adobe tells us why they removed the version of the filter that was in beta 23.4. thanks for clarifying.
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Hey @Polo Freitas, we've heard the feedback here and the team is working on it. Stay tuned!
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Hopefully you will bring back the old perfect Algoritm 🙂
Because this older Version create Results which are better than "Topaz GigaPixel's FaceRefinement" (which is currently my Top-Favorite) 😉
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I honestly dont think it will return, they were obviously using an Ai system to achieve it and not what looks like an action like the present way. The early version didnt really need much refienment, so cannot see why it was removed, unless it was for legal reasons. Shame as it was an amazing addition to the software. These of course I my thoughts and not known facts, I could well be wrong in my assumption, which I hope I am ...
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I think they use probably the Algorithm "GFPGAN 🙂
But they have modified it in a bad way and the Faces become this Plastic/Cartoon Look (with too much Clarity/Contrast/Sharpness).
If they go back to the "clean" GFPGAN Algorithm we get Results like this and everything look great again:
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I dont believe they are using GFPGAN any longer (if it was that exact one), which is the problem. The GFPGAN version has changed (replaced) the teeth slightly (gap of missing tooth) and possibly the top lip in that image, while the latest Neural Filter just applied some image adjustments and didnt replace anything. So for some reason, the had to quickly remove the GFPGAN type method and revert to another one. I will be very shocked if we get the ealrier version back to be honest.
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It doesn't really matter which Algorithm is used. As long as everything looks natural and not so cartoonish and overdrawn, everything is perfect! 🙂
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Thank you, I hope the filter comes back, it worked very well, especially in images with low information, I had already posted this example, see the incredible work of version 23.4.
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Just a heads up that tomorrow's beta build will be using the same newer model, but stay tuned for a future update which hopefully will make y'all happy again. 🙂
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Thanks for the reply, good news!
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But it seems you like to release the Beta-Filter to the public with the "Photoshop 2023"-Release in a few Days 😉
This should perhaps be reconsidered to publish this filter in the current form... Because people will be horrified at first 🤣😅👍
Maybe better release the filter not until this problem is fixed 😉
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When is this filter coming back? Everytime I try to use it, it either does nothing at all or gives me an error message "temporarily disabled".
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Update for Photoshop 24, and the bad filter continues, I'm very disappointed, I believed that today with all the Adobe party, the v23.4 comes back, but no, I think it won't come back 😞