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Tout ce qui est généré avec "remplissage génératif " est flou.
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Anything generated with "generative fill" is blurry.
By @Bernard GLEIZ3310104435n3
Generative Fill and Firefly were limited to 1024 x 1024 pixels, but I think that might be increased to 2000 x 2000 pixels, but I am not sure about the details. If you try to fill an area greater than that, then the fill be stretched to fit and become blurry. The trick is to select smaller tiles that will be filled at full resolution.
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Hi @Bernard GLEIZ3310104435n3 is what you are seeing new or could you share more of your workflow that is returning with this result? What version of Ps beta do you have, the latest is: Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.2.0 20231018.m.2368 97b8cf1 x64
Is this happening with the release versio of Ps as well?
Adobe has limited access to the generative fill and generative expand features to customers with a valid subscription to a plan that includes Photoshop ( Creative Cloud, Single app or Photography plan).
Potential customers can try Photoshop and the generative features by signing up for a 7 day trial here -
If you believe that you have are incorrectly receiving the above error and qualify to use the generative features, please contact technical support.