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How can I save my PS beta file? I've tried save, save as, save for web - with no success at all.
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Hi @lanny81133
Try resetting Prefs for the Beta:
/Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/ Photoshop Beta Settings (Mac Ventura)
/Users/yourname/Library/Preferences/Adobe\ Photoshop\ \(Beta\)\ Settings (Mac)
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings )Win)
Launch BETA Photoshop While Pressing The Keyboard Shortcut
With Photoshop closed, press and hold Shift+Ctrl+Alt (Win) / Shift+Command+Option (Mac) on your keyboard and then Launch Photoshop the way you normally would. 
It may help if we could see your Photoshop System Info. Launch Photoshop, and select Help >System Info...and copy/paste the text in a reply.
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I'm having the same issue but it doesn't happen all the time. When I restart my Photoshop Beta application and I am able to save my files but when I leave it for let's say the next day without closing my Photoshop Beta application, I open a new file and I'm not able to save anymore. I had no choice but to close the application and redo everything again and save it while it works at the moment. This is on Mac OS Monterey with silicon M1 chip.