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Generative Fill: 1 Variation option and other feedback

Community Beginner ,
May 31, 2023 May 31, 2023

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Generative Fill is absolutely stunning.


While it is cool to have 3 different options to toggle between after generation, I wonder if that requires additional processing power compared to one. I would find it helpful to have a preference setting where I could switch it to 1. Reason being that the majority of the time, I'm happy with the first generation, and don't bother to look at the alternatives. However I would want it as a setting in case I want to try something a text prompt more creative then un-cropping.


Additionally I would love if I could have an option for it to be just one button press. Maybe I can set a keyboard shortcut, I haven't looked into it yet. Most of the time I don't enter text, I just want to un-crop something.


Finally, I did get a content warning that appeared, for no known reason. I was confused but the pop up window automatically disappeared before I could read it. I think it was a bug in the interpretation because I didn't generate anything offensive I was just expanding some sci fi art.


I saw a tutorial online about how the gens will be low resolution if more then 1024 pixels, but I haven't wrapped my head around best practices for keeping things sharp. Ideally I could use this with the Crop tool so I don't have to do the intermediary step of selecting white space and inverting selection.

Thanks Adobe, this the first time in 25 years of Photoshop use where my jaw has hit the ground, outside of the first time I used Select Subject.

Idea No status
Generative Fill






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