The following code fails in 2024 (25.12.0) on Mac 13.7 Ventura, however, it works as expected in earlier versions when transforming an embedded smart object layer:
var idtransform = stringIDToTypeID( "transform" );
var desc178 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idfreeTransformCenterState = stringIDToTypeID( "freeTransformCenterState" );
var idquadCenterState = stringIDToTypeID( "quadCenterState" );
var idQCSAverage = stringIDToTypeID( "QCSAverage" );
desc178.putEnumerated( idfreeTransformCenterState, idquadCenterState, idQCSAverage );
var idoffset = stringIDToTypeID( "offset" );
var desc179 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idhorizontal = stringIDToTypeID( "horizontal" );
var idpixelsUnit = stringIDToTypeID( "pixelsUnit" );
desc179.putUnitDouble( idhorizontal, idpixelsUnit, 0.000000 );
var idvertical = stringIDToTypeID( "vertical" );
var idpixelsUnit = stringIDToTypeID( "pixelsUnit" );
desc179.putUnitDouble( idvertical, idpixelsUnit, 0.000000 );
var idoffset = stringIDToTypeID( "offset" );
desc178.putObject( idoffset, idoffset, desc179 );
var idwidth = stringIDToTypeID( "width" );
var idpercentUnit = stringIDToTypeID( "percentUnit" );
desc178.putUnitDouble( idwidth, idpercentUnit, 50.000000 );
var idheight = stringIDToTypeID( "height" );
var idpercentUnit = stringIDToTypeID( "percentUnit" );
desc178.putUnitDouble( idheight, idpercentUnit, 50.000000 );
executeAction( idtransform, desc178, DialogModes.ALL );
Changing to DialogModes.NO works, but I wanted an interactive transformation.