Build a new PC, asus x670e-e, ryzen 7950x, 96 gig ram, Windows 11 24H2, GF 4060ti 16GB. Every other Adobe app and game and so on works fine, just Photoshop, no matter what version does not load. There is not a splash screen coming. Out of 50 times starting, rebooting and so on it maybe opens ones. Tryed beta, 2022, 2024, latest... i am going crazy! fresh installed windows, falshed bios, changed bios settings and so on. Where could i find logs, why it does not load? In task manager it just idles 0% cpu, 22,3 mb ram, 0 net 0 disk... i close it try again... starting in windows save mode it mostly loads. Updated all drivers, too ofcause... lightroom, illustrator, all other apps work....