This has been a minor issue for the past few years with each version of photoshop from 2021-2024.
Sometimes when clicking hotkeys. Say for example S, for clone stamp tool. If you push S, then start using it, you will notice it didn't switch to clone tool, it acted like it, it literally shows the top bar change for a second to clone tool, then instantly changes back to whatever you were using. So for years in every update I've had to spam push S in order to make sure I was actually switched over to clone tool.
Until now, that was the only one it did that with, no clue why, but it was always only the clone stamp. Today, now it's doing it in 2024 V25.11 with Text tool. I just had to push T, no joke.....about 20-30 times and it STILL would not stick to the Text option until I held down T and clicked something for it to finally stick to the Text tool. Would push T, and just like the clone stamp, it would swap to the text until I let go of the key and switch back to the move tool that I was previously on.
So the minor issue before being only took between 1-3 or 4 clicks to get it to stick on and let me use the clone stamp, to now it just doesn't want to stay on specific ones at all. Haven't tried all of the hotkeys, but so far, Clone, Text and Move tool all have this issue. So assuming it is just a general hotkey issue.
It's done this on Windows 10 on my old computer, and Win 11 on both my laptops and my new desktop.