Using a Mac Mini with the M4 chip with an Apple monitor (both new). Latest operating system and latest vesrion of Photoshop.
When opening an image, no keyboard tool shortcuts will work. You have to manually click on another tool with the cursor then from that point on all keyboard shortcust will work. Or if you happen to be on a particular tool like brush tool, if you brush a line in on the image, then undo, everything will work after that. I have spoken to about 12 different Adobe agents over a month. They have taken control of the computer, tried all sorts of fixes. Nothing has worked. My colleague has a simliar problem, he is using a wired in keyboard and I am using a wireless keyboard. The problem occurs on both. We both use a Wacom tablet, but even when getting rid of thsi and using a mouse, the problem occurs. Must be a bug that stops Photoshop talking to the computer effectively.
Might be something to do with full screen mode. If I press 'f' it will go to full sreen, then the problem occurs and I can't select any other tool with the keyboard. However, if I dont go to full screen mode, keyboard shortcuts seem to work until I go to full screen then the problem occurs.