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P: Completely broken Hand tool (PS24.5) Hand Tool Sticking, sticky, not seeing mouse-up

Enthusiast ,
Jun 19, 2023 Jun 19, 2023

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This is a bug. Please don't move it to the Discussions tab.

And please don't merge into another unrelated thread. I will report a bug with this thread.



I made a YouTube video using a keyboard mouse overlay to show what action I'm taking. I hope you can refer to refer to it.




I was disappointed that there were so many bugs that were not fixed in 24.5, but I was still trying to give it a shot.

However, this bug is pretty serious. Really...


Please see the video I attached.
If you watch the video, you will see that I am shaking the screen.
I'm not using a hand tool, it should release automatically, but that thing is sticky.

To release this sticky, pinned handtool, you'll need to make one more unconditional click.

Here's how I've organized them for your reference.


< What I can be sure of >

  1. Window10 (Tested a total of 14 PCs)
  2. Use WacomTablet
  3. Not related to preferences at all (Especially not related to Spring loaded, Flick panning stuff things)
  4. I've tried all the known Photoshop troubleshooting methods and no improvement.
  5. Even reinstalling Windows does the same thing
  6. Only in 24.5 does this bug occur with certainty. I can't reproduce it at all in earlier versions.


I'm not sure about the >

  1. Mac OS not tested
  2. I couldn't even test if it was a GPU company difference. I and my team all use NVIDIA


And while there are a few threads pointing this out, there doesn't seem to be a proper plan to fix it.

If this is not fixed in 24.6, 24.6 will be equally unusable as 24.5.


Also check out the links below.






(cjbutler 1/12/24: edited title from "not reverting to cursor" to "not seeing mouse up" to reflect latest focus on lost mouse-up as root cause, and not just a stale cursor setting.)

Bug Fixed Locked




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Jun 04, 2024 Jun 04, 2024

We wanted to update this thread that the issue was fixed with the release of 25.6. If you are still having this issue with the most recent Ps version, please start a new thread with your information so the team can investigate further.



Cory - Photoshop Product Manager

Status Fixed


replies 637 Replies 637
Explorer ,
Apr 13, 2024 Apr 13, 2024

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Hello -


Yes, absolutely. I will do literally anything you need to help get this fixed haha

1.No pen/stylus. I work only with mouse and keyboard

2. This mainly happens for me with the transform tool. I am just clicking the transform handles in order to free transform a layer, and it happens immediately when I click the transform handle. It seems more relaibly produced now than before if I restart Photoshop; if I open PS for the first time I can reproduce the issue every time when clicking to free transform a layer. Once the transform has been initiated (but not confirmed) it happens about one-third to half of the time that I click on a transform handle.

3. I am at work but will generate logs when I return home ❤️




Adobe Employee ,
Apr 13, 2024 Apr 13, 2024

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This mainly happens for me with the transform tool. I am just clicking the transform handles in order to free transform a layer, and it happens immediately when I click the transform handle.


OK, in the meantime, let me clarify the presumed gesture as precisely as I can so I can try to reproduce if possible:

  • Presumed: Windows
  • Presumed: Multi-layer document with a single layer selected. The Document Window is docked (not floating).
  • Presumed: You are using the Move Tool, "Auto-Select" is enabled and "Show Transform Controls" is enabled.
  • Presumed: Contextual Task Bars are enabled (small button bar over the content)
  • Presumed: You do NOT use ctrl-T to initiate the Transform command
  • Presumed: You hover over a control point (resize cursor), or near a corner control point (rotate cursor)
  • Presumed: You click (mouse-down, mouse-up) on a control point, and the mouse sticks to the control point and initiates the transform as the mouse moves. You have to hit the Escape or mouse-down again followed by Undo to get back to no-transform state.


Is this what you are doing? (I'm looking for very precise instructions for the fail case, as there are a lot of ways to get into Transform Mode.) Feel free to correct or clarify.; be as precise as you can, breaking clicks down into mouse-down, mouse-move and mouse-up.


Does this happen every time for you, or just occasionally? Does the speed of the click (mouse-down, mouse-up) appear to affect the behavior?


(Note that we also have two very experienced quality engineers watching this thread - they will also try to reproduce on their machines.)




Explorer ,
Apr 13, 2024 Apr 13, 2024

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These are mostly correct. A few differences, I will elaborate on each:



  • Presumed: Windows - YES
  • Presumed: Multi-layer document with a single layer selected. The Document Window is docked (not floating). - YES (Also happens on single-layer document if the layer is unlocked; e.g., if I open an image file it will open as a single locked layer - the issue also happens if I unlock that layer to transform it, it does not require multiple layers to be present to occur)
  • Presumed: You are using the Move Tool, "Auto-Select" is enabled and "Show Transform Controls" is enabled. - YES to Show Transform, NO to Auto-Select (although I work with Auto-Select Layer Off, I do not think it makes a difference to the issue whether this is enabled; can confirm when I am home)
  • Presumed: Contextual Task Bars are enabled (small button bar over the content) - NO/YES (Sometimes I turn it off, but can confirm this makes no difference; this bug happens both when contextual task bar is on and off)
  • Presumed: You do NOT use ctrl-T to initiate the Transform command- CORRECT
  • Presumed: You hover over a control point (resize cursor), or near a corner control point (rotate cursor) - YES (And can confirm bug is initiated by click for both resize cursor and rotate cursor)
  • Presumed: You click (mouse-down, mouse-up) on a control point, and the mouse sticks to the control point and initiates the transform as the mouse moves. You have to hit the Escape or mouse-down again followed by Undo to get back to no-transform state - YES





Adobe Employee ,
Apr 13, 2024 Apr 13, 2024

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And, this is a bit of a long shot, but again presuming Windows: Do you have "ClickLock" enabled? It is a Windows Accessibility thing for Mice. If enabled, it has some settings for when ClickLock engages.




Explorer ,
Apr 13, 2024 Apr 13, 2024

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Clicklock is disabled 😞 I wish it were that simple haha




Explorer ,
Apr 14, 2024 Apr 14, 2024

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> Has everyone fixed this bug? I'm just watching the thread because I can't test it because it's the busiest season. Also, since it is not included in fixed issue page (although it is natural because some changes are applied), I am curious about your opinion.


@Jqqerry  you can have two versions installed at the same time I guess, at least that's what I did and checked every 25 update, using 24.0 for work. In my case with 25.6 - no sticky hand when panning with space.




Explorer ,
Apr 22, 2024 Apr 22, 2024

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I haven't worked in Photoshop for a long time, today there was something I needed to do... the latest version... I saw this problem... I thought it was an issue with my PC... it was the same on my laptop... I was very angry... it is absolutely impossible to work in Photoshop, it’s just absolutely... then I found this topic... June 2023??? Seriously, do zoo instances work in Adobe? (abuse removed) Just tell me how this shame even got into release and stayed there for almost a year???




Adobe Employee ,
Apr 22, 2024 Apr 22, 2024

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> I haven't worked in Photoshop for a long time, today there was something I needed to do... the latest version... 


Hi Nik, can I get some more information from you?


  1. Can you confirm the actual version number where you observed the problem? And the platform (presumed to be Windows)? 
  2. Are you using a Mouse only, or are you using a Pen/Stylus? Per the last Sticky Note for this thread, there have been changes in 25.6 for Mouse users, and there are changes in 25.7 for Pen/Stylus users.
  3. Can you describe exactly the gesture that is failing for you? Is it the lost mouse-up when using the Hand Tool as described in the original thread, or is it something else? If something else, can you describe the steps in greater detail as precisely as you can: What Tool are you using? Are you using a keyboard chording method (e.g. Space Key in Move Tool to get to the Hand Tool)? What are you clicking on (some control point?) How are you moving your Mouse (or Pen)? When are you releasing the Mouse Button (or lifting the Pen), and then what happens? Please give as precise steps as possible so we can try to reproduce.


I crafted an Event Logging Tool that can help us look at things in greater detail. If you can reproduce stuck mouse-up on 25.6 or later, we would like to examine a log file from that event when it happens.


If you are curious as to why this bug took so long, there are a number of earlier posts that have more information. The major blocker for us was our inability to reproduce the bug at Adobe.




Enthusiast ,
Apr 22, 2024 Apr 22, 2024

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@CJButler I installed 25.6 and tried it and neither the mouse nor the wacompen finally managed to recreate this bug (I did it for about 20 minutes). So this feels fixed.

But I felt a little heterogeneous in the movement of the screen.
So while I was holding down on the Spacebar, I tried moving it around with my mouse or pen, and I shook the screen. And it seems to be quite disconnected (if the original screen was 60 frames, now it's not as smooth as 24 frames) It's a metaphor.

Is it because of the process of reporting mouse ups and downs? Definitely feels a lot of difference compared to 24.0.1 or Photoshop 21.0.3 before that.
Of course, I don't shake the screen that much while working on it, but I think it's a lag or an issue that can be felt enough because I often move the screen.
So I roll back again.... =(





Adobe Employee ,
Apr 22, 2024 Apr 22, 2024

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@Jqqerry I don't think that drawing problem has anything to do with the original problem as reported in this thread (stuck mouse-up).


This is out of my areas of expertise, but it sounds possibly like a drawing framerate issue. It may be related to the character of the document content or the GPU settings. Or both. I recommend you start a new thread on this issue, especially if it is blocking your use of the latest version of the product. Of course, you'll need to be clear as to why it is impacting your workflows. A new bug will need to be logged; it will be probably assigned to the Photoshop GPU team for investigation.


In general, when using the Hand Tool, I would expect screen caches to be in effect, and for most modern machines, this should be very fast and seamless. If the caches are being invalidated for some reason, that could the cause a redraw to occur, and could be the reason for the laggy drawing experience. Adobe QE will want a sample document and precise steps to reproduce.


(Maybe some other Adobe person watching this thread has some ideas for you.)




Enthusiast ,
Apr 22, 2024 Apr 22, 2024

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@CJButler Thank you for your kind and prompt response.

Yes, that's correct. Since this doesn't seem to relate to the topic of the thread I reported on, "Hand tool," I won't add any further content to this thread.

I'll be taking a break in a month, during which I plan to record screens on multiple PCs and compare various versions to create a new thread. Based on today's tests, it doesn't seem to be a specs issue with PCs, as I noticed this on PCs with Intel 14th generation CPUs, Ryzen 7000 series CPUs, and GPUs from the 4000 series. It sounds like a good plan to double-check on your old laptop when you get home after work today.




New Here ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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It is unacceptable that this is Still a bug with no solution. There are forum posts going back years to 2021 about this issue. I’m restarting photoshop every 5 minutes because of this.

While panning and zooming, using a Wacom Intuos, or a mouse and keyboard, the mouse arrow is white regardless of the tool selected and the all actions are unresponsive. Menu items and tool bars are active and selectable but nothing on the canvas is functional.

This is a core interface functionality issue that irreparably breaks the program.

What are we paying for here?





Adobe Employee ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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@Benjamin32760768enyn Just to be clear, the issue you're referring to is that the cursor gets stuck as a pointer but still functions normally and DOES NOT get stuck functionally, i.e. where you click+drag and when you release the mouse button or lift stylus off the canvas it remains connected/stuck to what you were dragging (transform, making selection, panning). 

Please clarify which issue you are experiencing.  They are 2 different issues.  This thread is related to the latter issue with functionality, not the cursor icon. 




Adobe Employee ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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@Benjamin32760768enyn I'll just add to what Chad said. I have no idea from your description how to even try to reproduce the problem you are experiencing. Can we get some basic infomration?

  1. OS Platform (Win, Mac)? Photoshop Version (e.g. 25.6)?
  2. A more precise series of steps that exhibits the problem (e.g. New default document, etc.). The fewer steps the better.
  3. Do you have any third-party plugins installed?
  4. When Photoshop becomes unresponsive can you recall what you were doing just before that point in time? In as precise detail as you can.


When we have this information, we'll try to reproduce on our side.




Explorer ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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Perhaps I will now say something very strange to you, but there is such a thing as logging. For example, the user clicks on the button to start recording a log and does some actions, after which he clicks on the button to finish recording the log, after which the user can take a log file in a certain folder and send it here. The log may contain data from both Photoshop and the operating system. Or can logging happen automatically? Why ask the same question every time about the user’s actions and computer data? Ask the user to go into Photoshop, click on a button, do the actions, click on the button, and then send you the log.  




Adobe Employee ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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@NikVladi In my earlier reply to you, I asked you several questions and I provided information on how to invoke the Event Logging mechanism. You did not reply. Did you miss that?


Event logging has performance overhead, which is why it is not enabled by default. There is also the Photoshop Help > System Info... report, but it does not have information which is helpful for understanding Event Issues. Most of the information in that report are focused on plugins and GPU information, which have been historic problem areas. It does confirm things like platform, OS version, Photoshop version, and basic system configuration, which can be helpful at times.


Ultimately, though, we have to reproduce the issue before we can make meaningful progress.

Photoshop version 25.7 has been released. Can you confirm this is the version you are using?




Adobe Employee ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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@NikVladi Yes image (28).pngexpand image




Explorer ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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@Chad Rolfs 

I don't see it. What version do you have?

Screenshot 2024-04-25 101953.pngexpand image




Explorer ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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Sorry. I saw your message, but didn't respond. I just read the whole thread and decided it was useless. I installed 24.4.1. I will not install new versions until I see that the problem is fixed.




Adobe Employee ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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@NikVladi Please try version 25.7. You can leave older versions installed. (I have 8 versions on my machine).




Explorer ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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Hallelujah! Everything is fine in version 25.7.0... Thanks!




Adobe Employee ,
Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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@NikVladi You're welcome.




New Here ,
Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024

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I implore you please fix the old problem(s) before you release new features.
I posted this A problem in photoshop lastest version(v25.6) asked to fix but you didn't.

Even you brought the problem to v25.7. OMG! Do you really think new features are what your customers need most?
Click the link to see what this bug is about !




Engaged ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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Version 25.7 is still buggy.  Tools still sticking within 3 seconds of opening a new document.    25.5.1 is the last version for me where the tools do not stick, but it crashes at least once a day.




Adobe Employee ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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@Kuttyjoe Can you give us a more detailed description and more precise steps on exactly what you are doing in 25.7 that exhibits "Tools still sticking within 3 seconds of opening a new document". Step-by-step, what OS platform, exactly which tools you are using, exactly where do you click , and what does "sticking" mean? Is this the lost mouse-up problem? or something else? We'd like to try and reproduce. Thanks.



