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P: Completely broken Hand tool (PS24.5) Hand Tool Sticking, sticky, not seeing mouse-up

Enthusiast ,
Jun 19, 2023 Jun 19, 2023

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This is a bug. Please don't move it to the Discussions tab.

And please don't merge into another unrelated thread. I will report a bug with this thread.



I made a YouTube video using a keyboard mouse overlay to show what action I'm taking. I hope you can refer to refer to it.




I was disappointed that there were so many bugs that were not fixed in 24.5, but I was still trying to give it a shot.

However, this bug is pretty serious. Really...


Please see the video I attached.
If you watch the video, you will see that I am shaking the screen.
I'm not using a hand tool, it should release automatically, but that thing is sticky.

To release this sticky, pinned handtool, you'll need to make one more unconditional click.

Here's how I've organized them for your reference.


< What I can be sure of >

  1. Window10 (Tested a total of 14 PCs)
  2. Use WacomTablet
  3. Not related to preferences at all (Especially not related to Spring loaded, Flick panning stuff things)
  4. I've tried all the known Photoshop troubleshooting methods and no improvement.
  5. Even reinstalling Windows does the same thing
  6. Only in 24.5 does this bug occur with certainty. I can't reproduce it at all in earlier versions.


I'm not sure about the >

  1. Mac OS not tested
  2. I couldn't even test if it was a GPU company difference. I and my team all use NVIDIA


And while there are a few threads pointing this out, there doesn't seem to be a proper plan to fix it.

If this is not fixed in 24.6, 24.6 will be equally unusable as 24.5.


Also check out the links below.






(cjbutler 1/12/24: edited title from "not reverting to cursor" to "not seeing mouse up" to reflect latest focus on lost mouse-up as root cause, and not just a stale cursor setting.)

Bug Fixed Locked




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Jun 04, 2024 Jun 04, 2024

We wanted to update this thread that the issue was fixed with the release of 25.6. If you are still having this issue with the most recent Ps version, please start a new thread with your information so the team can investigate further.



Cory - Photoshop Product Manager

Status Fixed


replies 637 Replies 637
Engaged ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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Open new document.  Immediately try to zoom in and out with Control/Spacebar, or Pan with spacebar and see if it sticks.  It sticks immediately within 3 seconds.  It's not a new problem. It's the same problem.  By "sticking", I mean that when I release the mouse, the zoom tool or the pan tool is still active. They're sticking.  If I'm moving the mouse around then it's still zooming or panning while holding no buttons on mouse or keyboard.

I'm on a Windows 10 PC.




Adobe Employee ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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@Kuttyjoe Please confirm the following:

  • Windows (version?) Thanks I see you added that.
  • No Pen attached?
  • New default document?
  • After you open the document, are you in the Move Tool by default? If not, which Tool?
  • What happen when you don't use a keyboard chording gesture? i.e specifically choose the Hand Tool or Zoom Tool and no space bar or control key on another Tool. (I'm not suggesting this is a fix, it's just data. It is important that keyboard chording works.)
  • Are you using the keyboard chording at the same instant that your mouse down? i.e. Is it key down and mouse-down at very close to the same instant, or is key down first, see the cursor change, then mouse-down?


It sounds like a lost-mouse-up situation similar to what we've been hunting all this time. After clariifying steps, we'll try to reproduce. If that fails, we'll probably ask you to generate an Event Log file. Thanks.




Engaged ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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I have a stylus. And my monitor is a Cintiq but I wasn't using the stylus.  Performance is typically worse with the stylus even before this problem happened.


Not a default document.  I just opened a png file which I'd just created from Illustrator.


The default tool is the move tool.



  • What happen when you don't use a keyboard chording gesture? i.e specifically choose the Hand Tool or Zoom Tool and no space bar or control key on another Tool. (I'm not suggesting this is a fix, it's just data. It is important that keyboard chording works.)"


Are you saying, if I were to select the hand tool, use it, then switch to another tool, then see if it's still on the hand tool?  I don't know.  I instantly uninstalled Photoshop as soon as I saw that it was still not fixed because I'm really pissed about the time I waste doing this and the other issues that it causes.  Installing and uninstalling causes issues with which program is default for opening documents.  It causes issues with default programs in Bridge. It also sometimes causes an issue with Astute Graphics over in Illustrator which gets confused about Photoshop because, one function of that plugin is that it opens an image in Photoshop to be edited.  It starts throwing up an error message and it's hard to fix. So I'm extremely reluctant to even install any new version of Photoshop and have to deal with all of that, just to find in 3 seconds that it's not fixed, then uninstall it and wrestle with all those issues.




Engaged ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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  • Are you using the keyboard chording at the same instant that your mouse down? i.e. Is it key down and mouse-down at very close to the same instant, or is key down first, see the cursor change, then mouse-down?"


I press control and spacebar at the exact same time, followed as closely as possible by the mouse button.




Adobe Employee ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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@Kuttyjoe  Let me clarify.


>> Are you saying, if I were to select the hand tool, use it, then switch to another tool, then see if it's still on the hand tool?


I'm looking to see if you get into a stuck mouse-down state without keyboard chording being involved. i.e. Just use the Hand Tool and move things around. Mouse-up. Are you stuck? Or just use the Zoom Tool and mouse-down, sweep left or right, then Mouse-Up. Are you stuck?


Keyboard chording can affect which tool is being used when a mouse-down happens. Event handling properties (for that Tool) are established at mouse-down. If the Tool is switched to an Alternate Tool due to keyboard chording or some other behavior that closely follows the mouse-down, like the mouse being over a special control surface in the document (e.g. a rotate grab handle), then problems may occur, especially if the Tool cursor has not changed yet. I just found a bug with Pen and the Marquee Tool, where if you were working very quickly, and you tried to create a new selection over an existing one, we try to switch to the Move Tool. In that case, we might miss POINTERUP, because the Move Tool only deals with Mouse-based events and is not Pen aware.

That's why the precise details of what Tool you start with and comes first (mouse-down or key-down) matters, as if affects how control flows through the code. And it is also why I'm trying to be as precise as I can, because without those steps, we are very unlikely to reproduce. Our muscle gestures may be just slighly different from yours, and you see the bug, and we don't.


As far as your frustrations go, I certainly understand. All I can do is try to find and fix the problem. To find it, I need to reproduce it.




Adobe Employee ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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So far, I can't reproduce with 25.7. I've been trying for a bit, given what you described, so I'm probably missing some crucial ingredient.




Engaged ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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It's just getting stranger.  The version that I installed an hour ago is no longer available to install.  That version had a new spash screen that I'd never seen before.  It had a set of brightly colored hands on it.  I'm certain it was 25.7.1.  But now, the only version available is 25.7. This version still uses the Tiger splash screen and does not open with anything new.  It looks like what I've been using for the past couple of months.  Also, it does not have the problem of the tools sticking. So at this point, I can check anything because I no longer have access to the latest release.  But, it probably means that when Adobe re-releases 25.7.1, we can expect that sticky tools problem to come right back.




Engaged ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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This is what the splash screen of 25.7.1 looked like.  This is what I installed an hour or so ago, uninstalled, and can no longer see in the available versions to install.

Screenshot_1.jpgexpand image





Adobe Employee ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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I'm not sure what version that is. I've seen the graphic before, but I don't associate it with a version (I've see a LOT of splash screens over the years, some release, some beta, some prerelease, some internal). As far as I know, 25.7.0 is the latest offical release on Windows. The Main branch is currently tagged as 25.9, but it has not yet been moved to Release Staging. I don't ever recall seeing a 25.8 in the pipeline, but I am not sure. I think there was a special release for demonstration at London MAX a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure what version that was; Maybe another Adobe person watching this thread knows.


I also checked the internal communications on offical build release versions. I did not see any mention of a version 25.7.1.


So, I don't know what you managed to install. In any case, 25.7.0 is what we should looking at. And I think 25.9 will be the next official release.




Adobe Employee ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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@Kuttyjoe Might you have installed 24.7.3?  That splash screen looks like it belongs to major version 24. I think.




Engaged ,
May 05, 2024 May 05, 2024

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You're right.  Version 24.7.3 was already installed on my PC.  I wasn't using it, but I thought it did not have the sticking tools problem.  I'm not sure why it suddenly opened after I installed and launched 25.7. but when I saw that splash screen, I thought it was for 25.7 because I'm unfamiliar with it.  This whole mess has me so confused and frustrated.  So for now, it looks like 25.7 is working OK, and 25.7.1 was in my imagination only.




Adobe Employee ,
Jun 04, 2024 Jun 04, 2024

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We wanted to update this thread that the issue was fixed with the release of 25.6. If you are still having this issue with the most recent Ps version, please start a new thread with your information so the team can investigate further.



Cory - Photoshop Product Manager

Status Fixed



