i keep getting this message when i try to do anything in photoshop a second time what i mean is when first opened photoshop works when i close the first image the go to do anything else i get the message: Could not complete your request because of a program error.i have uninstalled and reinstalled photoshop cc but no difference i have taken a couple of screen shots which i hope will give you more information
i hope you can solve this problem as i am at my wits end
Unfortunately - Still getting the error message after 1st open..at times it allows me to open two documents...last attempt was able to open three before the error message appeared.
I went into Adobe Info, unlocked it and clicked the gear and selected "Apply to Enclosed Items" - made my admin read + write and read only for others. (described above)
It appeared as I was opening Photoshop. - Hit Cmmd + O and that message appeared. So despite you saying it's not a Photoshop error message... it happened.
Hi all,
having same issue opening files I have tried all above suggestions, but to no avail. Any news or updates from Adobe or Apple on this? So far I can open files in Photoshop through Lightroom, but this is really, really frustrating.