I had updated to Mohave and couldn't even open PS! I had to remove the preferences folder in the Adobe library then reimport my brushes and some plug-ins. I only got it working 2 days ago but seems fine now. Here is the video link Adobe sent me after I complained on Twitter 🙂 https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/preferences.html Hope this helps you out too! Good luck!
Photoshop seems to be permanently broken now. The fact that these issues have gone on for so long is inexcusable. Even simple issues like the save for web settings not saving each time you close Photoshop. Not fixed. It's been what, 3 months now? And now Photoshop has started randomly crashing in the middle of Select & Mask. Happened 3 times already. So much time lost.
It just crashed for me again, and every time I submit a crash report. And every time I include my email address. So no idea why you don't see them.
This is 4 months later, and I am reading this because my version of Photoshop CC19 is crashing about every 10 minutes, same story as the others. I am running PS on a HP laptop and everything else is fine, Illustrator and InDesign - fine. This crashing is just about doubling my work time - I am going mad! Obviously nothing much has been fixed.
Hi Roz, this thread is for a particular issue with macOS that we're working with our partners on. Looks like you're on Windows. I did search for crash logs sent in with your email address and I cannot find any. Please submit all Crash Reports along with your email address: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/submit-crash-reports.html
It may help if we could see your Photoshop System Info. Launch Photoshop, and select Help > System Info... and copy/paste the text in a reply.
My Photoshop crashes every 5 minutes - no exaggeration. The only thing I've done lately the might possibly have affected the program is to upgrade my DxO NIK collection to the NIK 2 collection. The trouble seems to have started right around the time of the upgrade. I submitted a report to DxO, but they are notoriously slow in responding to tech support requests. Any one else have the same experience?
I am so frustrated- for MONTHS Photoshop has been intermittently crashing about a minute into opening it. It does not matter what I am doing and I have uninstalled and reinstalled. There are no new updates and I am on Windows on an HP laptop.. All other Adobe programs work fine. My clients don't pay me to double and triple my turnaround time. This is pathetic for such an esteemed program- the more time goes on the worse the crashes get no matter what computer I use. This is ridiculous.