This is a major failing in Photoshop version CS6 Hebrew Support.
There is no way to reverse the text with, "Apply Middle Eastern Composer" as there was in CS5.5 Middle Eastern Version. This means that LTR stories cannot be flipped to RTL!
Actually, Hebrew and Arabic support have been more-fully integrated into the product in CS6. To access the fully suite of Middle Eastern features click Photoshop > Preferences > Type and choose Text Engine Options > Middle Eastern. I posted a video about this which you might want to check out: .
If you have any other questions, please let us know!
Hi there, and thanks for your response.
I'm aware of the video (seen it) and also know about the Preferences, etc.
The main issue is not the functionality mentioned but the lack of the ability to apply the Middle Eastern text composer to existing LTR text stories to make them RTL, in CS5/CS5.5 there existed this ability to change them (as indeed exists in INDD, ILL) but in PS CS6 there is no longer this functionality.
As a graphic designer in Israel, I provide services for my clients in print, web (and multimedia) in Hebrew and English.
I downloaded Photoshop CS6 to evaluate and this is my workflow (as I would expect to work in CS5):
1. Designed a sketch for a website in English (Photoshop).
2. Client approves
3. Work on the corresponding design in Hebrew
4. Select all text frames
5. change the typeface to a Hebrew one in Character panel (and select Hebrew as the language)
6. change the text direction to RTL
7. select "apply middle eastern composer" in edit menu
8. change content of text frames to Hebrew (and design accordingly via transform>flip horizontal, etc.)
9. the above (pionts 5, 6, 7, 8) do not necessarily have to be in that order
Point 7, "apply middle eastern composer" is not available in CS6 and therefore the logical ordering of Hebrew is LTR rather than RTL.
Okay, I've gotcha now. You can actually simplify your workflow greatly with CS6.
First, change to the Middle Eastern text engine.
Then do everything that you're currently doing, including sketch out your design in English. In the Paragraph panel, in addition to the Left, Center, Right, and Full justification options, we added below them L2R and R2L. All you need to do when you switch to Hebrew is go to the text frame in question, change to R2L and type in Hebrew. And, this design actually can handle just about any language/text combo you'd like except from advanced Japanese- and Chinese-specific typography.
Does that solve things for you? Would you like me to demo this for you via a connect session?
Please let me know,
Thanks and have a good weekend,
I have a different problem. I follow all the instructions and try typing in hebrew and the hebrew fonts still come out in English. I am using a trial basis CS6 to see if actually want to purchase it. Any ideas?
You need to change your operating system keyboard to Hebrew as well. Photoshop will display whatever glyphs you ask for, but that's defined by the keyboard. You can find more information here:
If you continue to have problems, please don't hesitate to ask; I'd be happy to help you out.