The new Photoshop 2019 "Export As" adds the suffix to the file name even though it has been deleted. The 2018 version would have a grayed out "none" in the Suffix box when I deleted it and then export the file name as it was.
For "Export As", when exporting multiple "Scale All" sizes, I want the half-size image to have NO SUFFIX, but Photoshop automatically adds a suffix that I can't remove. This is not the desired behavior, is it possible to change this?
I'm on 22.1.0, not sure about everyone else but it's still not working here. I can change the pre-populated scale suffix to another string, but if I try and make any scale besides 1x blank it automatically repopulates the field when I click out. FWIW I'm usually working at 2x, so my 1x assets are "@2x", and my 0.5x assets are blank (or, "@1x") depending on where the assets are being used.
Ah. I see a note in the issue. They fixed in in the UXP version of Export As. Go to Preferences > Technology Previews... and check "Enable optimized Export As"