I guess this is a bug report. I've been experimenting with the Neural filters since launch and had a bit of fun with them.
However, while restoring an old photo I've come across one that appears to prevent the Neural filters window from loading (it seemingly loads forever resulting in me having to force close Photoshop).
Seems bizarre but I've been able to replicate this again and again with this photo, and it's the only photo where I have encountered this problem.
Really not sure why this is happening as the other photos that have been working great for me are the same age/style as this one. It might be good to have a timeout for the Neural Loading screen I think.
Here is the image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qo6qovean0wbmwd/test.jpg?dl=0
Format doesn't seem to matter either as the original is a much larger PSD file that's a WIP.