In most recent 2018 update, healing and spot healing brush have become much less responsive, sometimes taking multiple seconds after completion of stroke to affect the image.
Late 2016 Macbook, up to date OS and Software
I've done the regular things like turning off OpenCL and changing other performance options... no change. GIF framerate is sped up 2x
Pete.Green • Adobe Employee, Nov 14, 2017Nov 14, 2017
This should be resolved in the 19.0.1 update released last night. Please update Photoshop using the Creative Cloud desktop app, and let us know how it feels!
You're right. I only suggested that she turn off the GPU to narrow down the problem. Now we know that it is. Second step is to make sure the driver on her AMD is up-to-date. If that's the issue then she can just update the driver and then turn the GPU back on.
My mistake Beth - with Mac it wouldn't be a driver download. Your suggestion that you upgrade to High Sierra may have been the answer. It might solve your problem because the AMD update would be packaged in it.
High Sierra still comes with a boatload of problems, far as reading here and a couple other places goes. I'd recommend checking to see if she doesn't have the latest update to Sierra. And make sure she can back out of High Sierra if she does update and it doesn't fix anything, but breaks a thing or two.
Hate to be a Negative Nelly, but it's awfully hard to keep reading about people having to do clean installs, live with this and that not working, all because they ran to High Sierra like it would fix anything. It's a gamble, not necessarily a fix, especially with the way Apple updates (or doesn't update) our video drivers.
I see where you are going with the High Sierra update, but I agree with Cristen...I haven't heard one good thing about High Sierra. I have been reading up on it and it doesn't seem safe. I believe I do have the latest Sierra update, I have: 10.12.6 (16G1114)
It is interesting...PS CC 2017 runs a bit better, but it is a bit slow. I think you are probably right about the GPU driver, I sure wish I could just update only the driver. I might be better off with the Graphic Processor off for now, or go back to 2017 for a while until High Sierra gets cleaned up.
Yeah, Thanks Hannah! I really appreciate your help! At least I have an idea what is going on - It was driving me crazy. I have a brand new computer and PS was running slower than my old one. I wish High Sierra was more stable or I would give an update a try!!
You are a lucky one Stephen! I have heard terrible reports of people having to rebuild their systems, etc with High Sierra. Even a tech at an Apple Distributor near me said it has problems. I am working on three deadlines...I am not risking it right now.
Can’t emphasize this enough. Even when I’m critical of Adobe the responsiveness and open answers are so appreciated. If we’re critical it’s because we use the sw every day and depend on it. It’s the Achilles heal of my job. Thanks Hannah!
You would have a much different perspective if you have been waiting years for a critical feature (more transform warp points!) to be implemented let alone even acknowledged by Adobe.
So you made a request for this somewhere? Would you mind sharing the link? I would be curious to know if there is a case for it, but would appreciate more details.
Yes the request was made 6 years ago, multiple threads were combined into this one. Not one response from an Adobe representative. I'd be happy to share any thoughts if it helps get this some attention. Basically transform warp needs a customizable number of control points. Even better would be the ability to warp those points using Bezier curves like the Pen tool.
Yes, this has been asked for for years and years now. Adobe has given us multiple ways to warp, but they're scattered about and finding just the right one that's quick and efficient for the need hasn't always been easy. Today, even remembering the multiple ways for transforming/warping has become difficult.
Think about it. No central location for access to : Adaptive Wide Angle, Perspective Warp, Puppet Warp, Warp, Transform, Free Transform, Perspective Crop, and then there's poor Vanishing Point way out in the hinterlands. And Liquify is yet another form of warping/transforming. Probably the only warp/transform tool that's in the obvious place for it is Text Warp. I think for most of us, all those warps and transformations also translates to a lot of confusion, while the basic Warp doesn't confuse anyone—it just is SO limited.
This is a reason Warp needs to be more flexible. It's simple, stable, and if it had more anchors (in fact, were more like Gradient Mesh in AI, but for shape) it would be easy to locate, easy to use, and an easy choice to make for many common needs.
And from my limited understanding, the warping engine has been updated (twice?) since being originally implemented in Ps, but hasn't yet made it into the app. The last major update to illustrator has the new version...
Would y'all mind moving your comments and votes about warp to the thread about it? That way the full extent of the demand for that functionality is clear. Every comment and me too vote counts! (When they're in the right thread haha)
I don't know the reason Adobe hasn't implemented this. I've often wondered about that one myself. At a minimum it would be nice if Adobe could acknowledge the request and perhaps state why they haven't done it. But I've worked in SW, at the biggest of them, and I know what triage lists look like. It could be that it's low on the list. It could be that for some reason it's a difficult request to enable for reasons that we might not expect. It could be that it breaks something. But yes, if it's something a lot of people have requested then it would be nice to have more communication from Adobe as to why.
That's why I'm appreciating the efforts I see Adobe putting forth lately, from this forum to the surveys I got after we wall went over the latest Lightroom changes. Transparency goes a long ways ....
My main Apple machine updated itself last night without my permission to High Sierra. It's a Mac Pro with 1TB flash and 2 64GB GPUs. It's started lagging on everything in PS. But it's also lagging on other things. Turned off the GPU and it stopped lagging. I'll be giving Apple a call tomorrow and will likely be much less polite than I am here. They just f*#ed up a $10,000 graphics machine that I count on greatly. The lag is enormous. Hope this helps you, although it doesn't help me at all.