In most recent 2018 update, healing and spot healing brush have become much less responsive, sometimes taking multiple seconds after completion of stroke to affect the image.
Late 2016 Macbook, up to date OS and Software
I've done the regular things like turning off OpenCL and changing other performance options... no change. GIF framerate is sped up 2x
Pete.Green • Adobe Employee, Nov 14, 2017Nov 14, 2017
This should be resolved in the 19.0.1 update released last night. Please update Photoshop using the Creative Cloud desktop app, and let us know how it feels!
Once the fix is ready to test we would like to invite those who are interested in helping us verify the fix to join our pre-release program. If you would like to participate, please contact me directly at:
Try using the slider on the paint brush panel header and setting smoothing to 0. This seems to be working for me, even though it resets to checked when you relaunch.
Can confirm. Healing brush in 2018 is so super slow I am reinstalling 2017 now. I use healing brush all day long, and in 2018 it's so slow that PS is completely unusable for me. It's not just a little slow, it's super super duper slow. I couldn't get through an 8 hour work day with this.
Well, I thought it was fixed because it worked for a short time after resetting all my beloved preferences but now they are gone too and I can't get the healing brush tool OR the stamp tool to work at all; not even slowly. They just don't work. This is pretty nuts. I use these tools for a living. Does anyone know how to revert back to the previous version of Photoshop CC? I do not believe it is on my computer anymore. (Never mind. I am installing 2017 now from Creative Cloud.)
It's really easy. I did it. Go to the adobe cloud icon at the top of your screen, then under photoshop select "other versions". You can reinstall the old version along side the new one. I'm running both now (well, i'm running the old version, the new one is just sitting there until Adobe fixes this).
No one should ever remove the previous version when updating - if you use Photoshop professionally you should know this. It would help if Adobe didn't have the remove checkbox marked automatically.
> t would help if Adobe didn't have the remove checkbox marked automatically.>
What would help even more is if they didn't hide the whole thing under Advanced. Just put all the options out in the open as soon as you click Update or Install.
I am having the same problem which never existed with prior versions. I have a very high end PC with all SSD drives .... this is crazy. Editing has become a nightmare. Please fix this ASAP. Reboots, resets, turning off GPU card, etc. makes no difference. Unacceptable.
8bit and 16bit uncompressed TIF files, color space is Adobe 1998. Files are typically 11,000px X 14000 pixels, created with a Betterlight 8K 4x5 scanback camera.
I was having the same experience with the Spot Healing brush On Win10. I tried all the suggestions here minus resetting my preferences, and none of that worked. I jumped back into CC2017 to work on a restoration. After some time I closed CC2017, and went back to CC2018 and the Spot healing brush was working as expected. I double checked to make sure I was on 2018, be switching over to the brush tool and saw the new Smoothing and Symmetry settings. I confirmed I was in 2018. but when I switched bach to the Spot healing Brush the lag had returned.
It appears the something with the smoothing gets switched on when using the brush tool and never turns off when going back to the Spot Healing.
I also have this issue. The tool lags several seconds between clicks. Sometimes it behaves as it I'm Shift-clicking (the healing brush makes straight lines between click points). I've restarted my computer several times since the update, and the only remedy seems to be restarting Photoshop when the symptoms occur. I thought it could be a Wacom driver issue, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
For me, turning xmoothing to 0 on the paint brush slider seems to have done the trick — the box is still ticked as on, but the 0 setting holds from one launch and session to another. If there is any lag, it is so low as to be unnoticable with both spot and standard healing brush (in Legacy mode). No space bar/hand tool issues,. I have used the new bluetooth and older wireless Intuos tablet with no difference.
I can now confirm that on two machines, even if you turn smoothing off, eventually it starts lagging again. Eventually it slows down again. So we're pretty much back to 2015.5 until this gets resolved.
Spot healing tool in latest update of Photoshop is totally unusable due to lag. Working on 16 bit, ProPhoto RGB, over 1 Gb files, on Mac Pro with 64 GB memory, running MacOS 10.12.6. Switching back to CC 2017 to meet deadlines.
Works fine if I don't use the brush first but as soon as I use the brush and go back to spot healing it gets slower and slower. File size is makes no difference.
It solves the lag problem, temporarily, but it adds another issue... when removing the Smoothing as described by Hannah, the Healing Brush tool doesn't work properly. It seems to work just like a Clone Stamp.
I have the basic Creative Cloud plan (LR+PS). How can one revert to the previous version (PS 2017)? These last days have been a nightmare and my retouching work is getting delayed because of this bug.