In Photoshop CC 2015 nudge-items are being added every time I press an arrow key. How can I disable it and restore the old behavior? In previous versions no matter how much presses you did only one nudge was being added in the history.
Again, I cannot reproduce what you're seeing on either Windows or Mac using PS CC 2015. The Nudge state records (by default) ALL nudges made to a given layer until another tool is used. So, you can nudge to the left, up, down, right, left again, up again, and it all folds down into ONE history state. I just verified that this is working correctly in the GM.
Are you SURE that you're running the released CC 2015 and not some early prerelease or hacked version?
I use a trial version I downloaded from
I run it using Win7.
BTW, on previous versions of PS (even CC 2014) everything works fine.
Series of nudges were being counted as a single Photoshop step in the history.
But I found on the Internet at least one man who has the same issue even on CC2014:
I guess this means that the problem is pretty hard to reproduce. Probably it depends on some factors of an operating system. Maybe you have any ideas?
Have you tried resetting your prefs? The other poster didn't respond after that suggestion, so perhaps the reset solved it.
I'd be willing to try and figure out what the "secret ingredient" is on your install, but it'll have to wait until after the 4th, as the company has a shut-down next week. I'll send an email to you in order to follow up after the break.
There was a problem in CC 2014 where nudge would record separate states because an extension panel got some events happening in between each nudge.
If you are using any third party plugins or extension panels - try disabling them.
Also try disabling Generator in Photoshop's preferences.
Chris, thank you! After your comment I started to discover the Plug-Ins section of the settings, and I found the solution. I disabled the "Load extension panel" entry and then restarted PS. And now everithing works perfectly.
David, have a good weekend )) Thank you as well. May be this solution would be interesting for you. Write to me if you have any questions.
Can you narrow it down a bit more? Is it one that ship with Photoshop, or a third party panel? We'd like to follow up with the developer to get rid of the problem.
I have the same issue, however its complicated. On Mac OS X Yosemite. I installed from the Creative Cloud desktop app with main user account (user ID 501). Nudge works as expected. Login to same Mac with a different user account, nudge works as Johnny describes. David, you described how the nudge tool works "by default". Is there a setting that makes it act as Johnny and I see?
Well, there's nothing that we know of that would make it record each nudge separately. So what is different between your main account and the other account?
Chris is correct -- Nudge commands are "smushed" together in the History panel. The only way they wouldn't be is if you did something in between. Keep in mind, there are a number of actions which do NOT record in history but which could cause this, such as changing layers.
David, I don't appreciate the accusation that I must have been doing something "in between", or that somehow i didn't already understand how it was supposed to work. I finally figured out what the problem was, so I guess I'm all set.
Sorry if you feel "accused" -- my intention is to help you solve your problem. There are MANY things users can do which have consequences which they do not either expect or understand. I spend an hour or more every day reaching out to people, just like you, in order to clarify how the app works so as to help them solve their issues.
The simple truth is, you had to have done SOMETHING for the nudge commands not to be grouped as a single action. What that was, I don't know. But it had to have been something, otherwise the nudge commands WOULD be grouped.
Alright. So the problem for me was that I wasn't logged in to the Creative Cloud desktop app on the second OS X user account. I was only logged in to Creative Cloud on the primary OS X user account. This came to be after Creative Cloud updated itself a couple of weeks ago. PS CC 2014 was fine with this (even after installing PS CC 2015), and since i only update software with the primary account, i left it alone. PS CC 2015 was not as happy. Once I broke down and logged into Creative Cloud on the second account, nudge started working as expected. I do wonder why PS CC 2014 was happy and PS CC 2015 was not, but it's resolved now, and it seems like an edge case, so...
OK, so it has something to do with one of the creative cloud extension panels not being signed into the cloud. Now we'll have to see if we can reproduce the problem.
Hello. I also noticed this issue. Upon further troubleshooting, if I nudge a Text layer, a Smart Object (a layer that was brought into PS CC by using File > Place), a shape, a layer with brush strokes (I'm sure others, that is just what I tested), the Nudge history is as expected - one line in the history until going off the layer. However, going to the layer where I noticed the issue to start with, it is a layer that was dragged in from AI as a Vector Smart Object that I also used Puppet Warp on (Smart Filter), and for this layer the Nudge consumes the history palette recording a line for each nudge, which is most definitely not helpful! Same behavior if I create a layer, make it a smart object, and add puppet warp. However, if I create a layer (simple brush line) and leave it as a pixel/rasterized layer, apply puppet warp and nudge, the nudge is only 1 line in the history. Looking at other Smart Filters, applying Liquify to a Smart Object layer, the history palette behaves as expected (one line for multiply nudges on the layer).
I'm having this same issue and I have narrowed the problem down to using a program called Skala Preview, which allows me to see a live preview of my Photoshop file on a mobile device (
I'm signed into Creative Cloud and I also have everything unchecked on the Plug-Ins section of the Preferences panel except Enable Remote Connections, which is required to run Skala Preview.
The nudge history behaves as expected if I have not launched the Skala Preview app. However, once I launch that app, the History panel logs every nudge, which is soooo frustrating.
I'm going to submit a support ticket to the makers of Skala Preview now. It would be great of Adobe could reach out to them to get this sorted.