Photoshop CC 2014: I cannot personalize the keyboard shortcuts, because one tab in the option window, hides all menu voices, it is too grippy and it seems I cannot enlarge it manually. Please check this screenshot:
Panel items are truncated and user is forced to use trial-and-error to create custom keyboard shortcuts. Full titles cannot be revealed by resizing the dialogue window or by hovering.
It seems I cannot comment to the Emplyee replies, so I write them here:
To David:
RE: Seriously?
To Jeffrey:
RE: As customer I don't like the recent Adobe marketing strategy, which is, sell an imperfect product on the market and correct it later while people is using it.
There is an important difference between new functions and errors.
And also, it seems that Adobe is taking more effort by giving a new function in a release, which very often we could have lived without, instead of solve errors.
I hope Adobe will seriously reconsider that users use CC for work, and that any problem they cause it is a waste of time and money for the customers.
If Adobe is not ready with a product, they should fix it before to put it on the market.
For 4 months I had many trouble using the timeline.
A great innovative task for the newt CC2015 should be "Cut down the need of RAM while working with PS".